
Odnos srednješolcev do odgovornega ravnanja s hrano
ID Krištof, Anja (Author), ID Kostanjevec, Stojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5571/ This link opens in a new window

Odgovorno ravnanje s hrano, ki se kaže tudi v majhni količini zavržene hrane, je zelo pomembno za trajnostno oskrbo prebivalstva s hrano in z različnimi viri. V Sloveniji se izvajajo projekti, s katerimi želijo spodbuditi odgovorno ravnanje s hrano. Eden izmed projektov je tudi Hrana ni za tja v en dan. Namen magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti, ali srednješolci, ki so bili vključeni v projekt Hrana ni za tja v en dan, razvijajo pozitivnejši odnos do hrane v primerjavi s srednješolci, ki v projektu niso sodelovali. S pomočjo rezultatov raziskave je mogoče oblikovati predloge za dejavnosti, ki bodo namenjene srednješolcem za oblikovanje odgovornega, trajnostno naravnanega ravnanja s hrano. Ugotovila sem, da so za srednješolce pomembni: okus in kvaliteta hrane ter njena priljubljenost, saj so to navajali kot najpogostejše vzroke za nastanek zavržkov hrane. Predlogi srednješolcev za zmanjšanje količine zavržene hrane so: manjša količina postrežene hrane, upoštevanje njihovih želja pri oblikovanju jedilnika, višek hrane naj se razdeli med njih ali pa med tiste, ki hrano potrebujejo. Raziskava magistrskega dela je pokazala, da srednješolci, vključeni v projekt, razvijajo pozitivnejši odnos do hrane, zavedajo se vpliva zavržkov hrane na okolje, v šoli govorijo o problemu zavržkov hrane, kar vpliva na njihova stališča, a njihovo vedenje je vseeno težje spremeniti. Ocenjujem, da bi bilo potrebno izvesti več dejavnosti v povezavi z zavržki hrane, ki bi pripomogle k trajnostno naravnanemu vedenju, šole bi morale izvesti konkretne ukrepe pri malici in kosilu, prilagoditi velikost porcije, glede vrste hrane pa upoštevati tiste želje srednješolcev, ki ustrezajo smernicam zdravega prehranjevanja.

Keywords:zavržki hrane
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106075 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12304457 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.03.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Attitude of secondary school students towards the responsible food treatment
Responsible food management, also reflected in low quantities of discarded food, is very important for sustainable supply of food and various resources for the population. Projects that promote responsible food management are currently underway in Slovenia. One of such projects is Hrana ni za tja v en dan (Food should not be wasted). The purpose of the master’s thesis was to determine whether or not secondary school students participating in the Hrana ni za tja v en dan project develop a more positive attitude to food than secondary school students that do not participate in this project. Using the results of the study, we can develop proposals for activities for secondary school students, aimed at promoting responsible and sustainable food management. I have determined that secondary school students consider flavour and quality of food, as well as its popularity, as the most important, as they listed these factors as the most common reasons for discarded food. Secondary school students’ proposals for reducing the quantities of discarded food were as follows: food should be served in lower quantities; their wishes should be considered in menu preparation; excess food should be distributed among them or those that are in need of food. The study showed that secondary school students participating in the project develop a more positive attitude to food, are aware of the environmental effects of discarded food, and discuss the problems of discarded food in school, which affects their opinions. However, it is difficult to change their behaviour. In my assessment, more activities are required regarding discarded food that would contribute to more sustainable behaviour, schools need to implement concrete measures regarding snacks and lunches, adjust portion sizes, and consider the wishes of secondary school students that follow the guidelines of healthy diet when selecting the types of food.

Keywords:discarded food

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