
Vpliv telovadnih vaj po metodi pilates na stabilizatorje trupa : magistrsko delo
ID Plaskan, Katja (Author), ID Pajek, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pori, Primož (Comentor)

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V zadnjih desetletjih so telovadne vaje po metodi Pilates (v nadaljevanju pilates) razširjena oblika vadbe tako med splošno populacijo rekreativnih posameznikov kot pri rehabilitaciji po poškodbah. Pilates je danes pogosto svetovan kot alternativna oblika zdravljenja kronične nespecifične bolečine v križu, saj se osredotoča na stabilizacijo trupa in aktivacijo mišic trupa ter mišic ledvenega dela hrbtenice, ki so po navadi zaradi svoje šibkosti tudi glavni razlog za nastanek bolečin v križu. Z izvajanjem pilatesa aktiviramo manjše, globoke mišice telesa in izboljšamo njihovo funkcijo podpore trupa ter zmanjšamo bolečino. Namen magistrskega dela je ugotoviti, ali program vadbe, sestavljen iz vaj po metodi Pilates, vpliva na moč stabilizatorjev trupa in koliko se moč teh mišic izboljša po 8-tedenskem programu vadbe. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 31 oseb (12 moških in 19 žensk), ki so vadbo pilatesa obiskovale 1- do 2-krat tedensko na različnih lokacijah. Za testiranje oseb, vključenih v raziskavo, smo pred začetkom in po koncu 8-tedenskega programa vadbe uporabili McGillove teste za preverjanje moči stabilizatorjev trupa (McGill's Torso muscular endurance test battery). Za namene raziskovalnega dela smo uporabili prilagojen SF-36 vprašalnik o življenjskem slogu in modificirani Roland-Morrisov vprašalnik o bolečinah v križu. Podatke, ki smo jih pridobili s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika in McGillovih testov, smo obdelali v statističnem programu SPSS. S pomočjo slednjega smo preverjali razlike med skupinami in primerjali rezultate testiranj pred in po 8-tedenskem programu vadbe. Ugotovili smo, da se moč stabilizatorjev trupa po 8-tedenskem programu vadbe pilatesa statistično značilno poveča, da se izboljša subjektivna ocena kakovosti življenja in da se zmanjšajo bolečine. Hipotezo, da se po 8-tedenski vadbi pilatesa zmanjša pojavnost bolečin v križu, smo zavrnili, kar je bila posledica premajhnega vzorca oseb z bolečinami v križu, vključenih v raziskavo.

Keywords:pilates, program vadbe, McGillova testna baterija, sedeč življenjski slog, bolečine v križu
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106070 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5482161 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.01.2019
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Secondary language

Title:The Impact of Exercises by Pilates Method on Core Muscles
In the last couple of years, exercises by Pilates method (further Pilates training) has become widespread among the general population of recreational individuals and rehabilitation after injuries. Pilates is often advised as an alternative form of treatment for chronic non-specific low back pain as it focuses on the stabilization and activation of the core and muscles of the lumbar spine due to their weakness, which is usually the main cause of low back pain. By exercising pilates, we activate smaller, deeper muscles and improve their supportive function and reduce pain. The main aim of the master's thesis is to determine whether the training program, consisting of pilates exercises, influences the strength of the core and how much the strength of these muscles improves after the 8-week training program. The study included 31 people (12 men and 19 women) who did pilates trainings 1-2 times per week at different locations in Slovenia. McGill's Torso Muscular Endurance Test Battery was used to test people involved in the study before and after 8-week training program. For the research work, we used an adapted SF-36, a lifestyle questionnaire, and a modified Roland-Morris questionnaire on low back pain. The data obtained using the questionnaires and McGill's tests were processed in the SPSS program. By using the SPSS program, we checked the difference between groups and compared the results of the tests before and after 8-week training program. We found that the strength of the core after 8-week pilates exercise program statistically significantly increased with simultanious improvement of subjective assessment of the quality of life and reduction of pain. The hypothesis claiming for 8-week training of pilates to reduce the low back pain was rejected due to insufficient number of people with low back pain included in the study.

Keywords:pilates, training program, McGill's test battery, sedentary lifestyle, low back pain

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