
Oblikovanje izdelkov iz modelirnih mas in njihova uporaba v matematičnih dejavnostih pri otrocih v starostni skupini od 4 do 6 let
ID Koščak, Matej (Author), ID Avsec, Stanislav (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5562/ This link opens in a new window

Na tržišču nam je na voljo veliko število različnih vrst modelirnih mas. Nekatere izmed njih so naravnega, druge umetnega izvora, vsem pa je skupna možnost transformacije izvorne oblike materiala v nov, željen izdelek. To dosežemo z uporabo različnih oblikovnih tehnik. Uporaba najoptimalnejših izmed njih je odvisna od vrste mase, ki jo izberemo za modeliranje. Modelirne mase predstavljajo izredno koristno sredstvo za uporabo v predšolskem obdobju, saj otrok že skozi sam proces oblikovanja in ustvarjanja usvaja pomembne prvine in izkušnje, ki so potrebne za njegov razvoj. Med oblikovanjem otrok krepi fino motoriko, izboljšuje sposobnosti reševanja problemov, stopnjuje nivo ustvarjalnega mišljenja, razvija tehnične spretnosti, hkrati pa spoznava oblikovne in materialne značilnosti posamezne uporabljene modelirne mase. Njihova raba pa se s stvaritvijo končnega izdelka nujno še ne zaključi. Ustvarjanje izdelkov iz modelirnih mas nam namreč ponuja odlično možnost nadaljnje uporabe tudi na drugih področjih. V tem diplomskem delu smo se osredotočili za povezovanje s kurikularnim področjem matematike, kjer smo za potrebe izvajanja matematičnih dejavnosti pri skupini otrok v starosti od 4 do 6 let ustvarili različne didaktične pripomočke za uspešen doseg zastavljenih ciljev. Z uporabo tovrstnih izdelkov, ustvarjenih iz treh različnih umetnih modelirnih mas (plastelin, das masa in fimo masa), smo krepili veščine otrok na matematičnih področjih usvajanja osnov štetja, sposobnosti prepoznave različnih vrst geometrijskih likov, sposobnosti prepoznave in uspešnega nadaljevanja vzorcev ter urejanja elementov po velikosti in dolžini. Oblikovanje didaktičnih sredstev iz modelirnih mas in njihova nadaljnja uporaba se je izkazala za izredno dobrodošlo, koristno, obenem pa, glede na dostopnost in široke možnosti uporabe tovrstnih materialov, premalo razširjeno metodo dela v slovenskih vrtcih. Zato naj to diplomsko delo služi tudi kot spodbuda vzgojiteljicam in vzgojiteljem za rednejše vključevanje modelirnih mas v načrtovanje in izvajanje dela z otroki, ponuja pa tudi smernice za njihovo učinkovito uporabo

Keywords:umetne modelirne mase
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106061 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12293193 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.03.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Forming products made of modeling masses and their use in mathematical activities of children in the age group from 4 to 6 years
In the market, there are a great number of various types of modeling masses. Some of them are natural and some of them are of artificial origin. The common characteristic of all is the possibility of transformation of the original form of the material into a new, desired product. This is achieved through the use of various design techniques. The use of the most optimal of them depends on the type of the mass we choose for modeling. Modeling masses represent an exceptionally useful means for the use in the preschool period, as a child assimilates important elements and experiences, which are necessary for his development, through the very process of forming and creating. In the process of creating, a child strengthens fine motoric functions, improves the abilities of problem-solving, enhances the level of creative thinking, and develops technical skills. At the same time, he learns modeling features and material characteristics of individually used modeling masses. Their use, however, is not necessarily finished by the creation of the final product. Namely, creating products from modeling masses offers a great opportunity for further use in other fields also. In this bachelor’s thesis, we focused on connecting with the curricular field of mathematics where we created various didactic accessories for the needs of performing mathematical activities in the group of children in the age of 4 to 6 years in order to achieve the set goals successfully. By using such products, created from three various artificial modeling masses (Plasticine, Das Clay, and Fimo Clay), we managed to strengthen skills of children in mathematical fields of assimilating the ABC of counting, recognizing different geometric shapes, recognizing and successfully continuing the patterns and sorting the elements by length and size. Forming didactic means from the modeling masses and their further use proved to be exceptionally welcome and useful. At the same time, this is an insufficiently spread method of work in the Slovenian kindergartens with regards to availability and broad possibilities of using such materials. Therefore, this bachelor’s thesis should be an incentive to the teachers for more regular inclusion of modeling masses in planning and performing the work with children. It also offers directives for their efficient use.

Keywords:artificial modeling masses

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