
Pogledi na nadomestno materinstvo v svetu : diplomsko delo
ID Kavšek, Ksenja (Author), ID Mlinar, Suzana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Nadomestno materinstvo je v svetu čedalje bolj uporabljena metoda neplodnih parov. Obstaja več oblik nadomestnega materinstva; tradicionalno, ko je nadomestna mati otroku tudi genetska mati, in gestacijsko, ko je nadomestna mati le gestacijska mati. Glede na njene motive, zakaj se je odločila donositi in roditi za par, je nadomestno materinstvo lahko altruistično, želi pomagati, ali komercialno, kjer je njen glavni cilj zaslužiti. Ker je v večini držav nadomestno materinstvo prepovedano, se pari velikokrat odločijo za čezmejno obliko nadomestnega materinstva. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti nadomestno materinstvo v svetu. Cilji diplomskega dela so predstaviti pozitivne in negativne poglede na nadomestno materinstvo z občutki nadomestnih mater in parov. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu je uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela s pregledom literature. Vključitveni kriteriji so bili članki s kvalitativno metodo dela. Izključitveni kriteriji so bili članki z versko vsebino in na temo darovanja organov. Rezultati: Nadomestna mati in par imajo svoje motive in razloge, zakaj so se odločili za nadomestno materinstvo. Odnos med nadomestno materjo in parom ima velik vpliv na to, da je celostna izkušnja nadomestnega materinstva pozitivna ali negativna. Ko nosečnost poteka brez zapletov, je nadomestno materinstvo običajno pozitivna izkušnja. V primerih, ko pride do zapletov, pa se izkaže kot izkoriščanje ženskega telesa in negativna izkušnja. Pri nadomestnem materinstvu se pojavljajo etične dileme, strah in stres. Glede na to, kje je bilo nadomestno materinstvo izvedeno, na doživljanje nadomestne matere in para vplivajo tudi kultura, vera in sprejemanje njihovih bližnjih za odločitev nadomestnega materinstva. Razprava in zaključek: Nadomestna mati in par gredo čez proces, ki ni lahek. Vsak doživlja nadomestno materinstvo na svoj način. Za zaščito in zdravje ženskega telesa, nadomestne matere in ploda, ter po rojstvu otroka, je potrebno opredeliti dogovore nadomestnega materinstva z zakoni ter jih dosledno izpolnjevati.

Keywords:nadomestna mati, par, izkušnja, čustva
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106054 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5571435 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.01.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Views on surrogacy in the world : diploma work
Introduction: Surrogacy is increasingly more used method by infertile couples in the world. There are more forms of surrogacy; traditional surrogacy, when the surrogate mother is also child's genetic mother, and gestational surrogacy, when the surrogate mother is just gestational mother. Considering the surrogate mother's motives to carry and give birth to couple's baby, surrogacy can be altruistic, when she wants to help, or commercial, when her goals are to earn money. Since in most countries surrogacy is prohibited, couples often decide for a cross-border surrogacy. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma work is to present surrogacy in the world. The goals of the diploma work are to present the positive and negative views on surrogacy with feelings of surrogate mothers and couples that went through surrogacy. Methods: In the diploma work descriptive method of work with a literature review is used. The inclusion criteria were articles with a qualitative method of work. The exclusion criteria were articles with religious content and the topic of organ donation. Results: Surrogate mother and couple have their motives and reasons why they decided for surrogacy. Relationship between the surrogate mother and couple has a major impact on the fact if the experience of surrogacy is positive or negative. When pregnancy goes without complications, surrogacy is usually a positive experience. In cases where complications occur, it turns out to be the exploitation of a woman's body and a negative experience. With surrogacy, ethical dilemmas, fear and stress appear. Depending on where surrogacy was carried out, the experience of surrogate mother and couple is also influenced by the culture, religion, and acceptance of their relatives and loved ones for their decision of surrogacy. Discussion and conclusion: Surrogate mother and couple go over a process that is not easy. Everyone experiences surrogacy in their own way. For the protection and health of the female body, surrogate mother and fetus, and after the birth a child, it is necessary to define the arrangements for surrogacy with the laws and to fulfil them consistently.

Keywords:surrogate mother, couple, experience, feelings

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