
Povezanost med hvaležnostjo in odločenostjo ostati v partnerskem odnosu : magistrsko delo
ID Gavez, Katja (Author), ID Cvetek, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrskega dela je bilo ugotoviti, ali obstaja pomembna povezava med doživljanjem hvaležnosti pri posamezniku, vzajemnostjo in sodelovanjem v partnerskem oziroma zakonskem odnosu ter njegovo odločenostjo ostati v partnerskem/zakonskem odnosu. Hkrati smo želeli preveriti tudi, ali ima primarna družina pomemben vpliv na doživljanje hvaležnosti pri posamezniku. Za empirični del naše raziskave smo združili 6 vprašalnikov oziroma lestvic: Vprašalnik hvaležnosti (GQ-6), Vprašalnik hvaležnosti, negodovanja in zahvale (GRAT), Kansas lestvico zakonskega zadovoljstva, Lestvico odločenosti ostati v odnosu, podlestvico Vzajemnost in sodelovanje med partnerjema (del vprašalnika čustvenih kompetenc) ter prevod in priredbo vprašalnika Starševska ocena otrokove hvaležnosti. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 153 udeležencev, ki so bili v času raziskave v partnerskem odnosu. Ugotovili smo, da med posamezniki, ki doživljajo več hvaležnosti ni povezave z večjim zadovoljstvom v odnosu, kar je morda posledica vzorca, ki je zaobjel pretežno partnerje, ki so z odnosom zadovoljni. Na drugi strani smo dobili pomembno povezavo med posamezniki, ki doživljajo več hvaležnosti in so bolj odločeni ostati v odnosu ter so bolj vzajemni in bolj sodelujejo s partnerjem. Izkazalo se je, da med doživljanjem hvaležnosti posameznika in doživljanjem hvaležnosti pri očetu ni pomembne povezave, medtem ko se je za pomembno povezavo izkazala povezanost med doživljanjem hvaležnosti mame in hvaležnosti posameznika pri enem izmed vprašalnikov hvaležnosti (GRAT). Kot statistično pomembno povezava se je izkazala povezanost med doživljanjem hvaležnosti matere in poddimenzijo odsotnostjo občutka prikrajšanosti.

Keywords:hvaležnost, odločenost, zavezanost, prenos hvaležnosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Gavez]
Number of pages:VIII, 108 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106051 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8066394 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.01.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Relation between gratitude and determination to stay in partnership
The purpose of the master's thesis was to determine, whether there is an important relation between experiencing gratitude in the individual, reciprocity and cooperatation with partner and his or her determination to stay in a partnership. We also wanted to ascertain whether the primary family has an important impact on the perception of gratitude in the individual. To conduct our empirical research, we have combined 6 different questionnaires or scales, namely: The Gratitude Questionnaire (GQ-6), Gratitude, Resentment and Appreciation questionnaire (GRAT), Kansas marital satisfaction scale, Determination to remain in relationship scale, Reciprocity and cooperation between partners scale (which is one part of the Emotional competencies questionnaire), as well as the translated and adapted version of the Parental assessment of the child's gratitude questionnaire. Our study involved 153 participants, who all were in a partnership relationship during the research period. We have found that those individuals, who experience higher level of gratitude, are not necessarily more satisfied in their partnership, which might be a consequence of the sample itself, which included mostly individuals, who are satisfied with their relationship. On the other hand, we obtained an important connection between individuals who experience higher level of gratitude that are more determined to stay in a partnership, are more reciprocal and cooperate more with their partner. We have witnessed a statistically non-significant correlation between experiencing gratitude among individuals and their fathers, whereas a correlation between experiencing gratitude among individuals and their mothers has turned out to be statistically significant according to the GRAT questionnaire. The correlation between experiencing gratitude among individuals and their mother and the sub-dimension of absence of the feeling of being deprived has turned out to be statistically significant.

Keywords:gratitude, determination, commitment, transfer of gratitude

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