The procedure of issuing a building permit is a special administrative procedure whereby the Construction Act (GZ) is used as a substantive regulation and the General Administrative Procedure Act (ZUP) is used in a supplemental or subsidiary way. More than one person can be involved in the procedure in question and can have mutually conflicting interests. It is important for the party or investor to understand the basics of the administrative procedure according to the ZUP and the substantive law of the GZ, which defines the individual terms that are used in construction, for types of buildings, procedures and conditions under which they can be built. The administrative procedure has various phases that are in a specific, prescribed order, where the main aim is to determine the actual situation and issue a decision (building permit) while consistently, throughout the entire process, keep a careful watch to make sure the procedure is not carried out contrary to public interest and that the rights and legal interests of other parties and third-party participants are not violated. All irregularities, errors and violations that are incurred in the procedure of issuing a building permit can be resolved by the parties involved with the help of regular and extraordinary legal remedies.