
Primerjava obsegov gibljivosti kolčnega sklepa, položaja kolen in indeksa položaja stopala pri rokometaših in športno netreniranih ljudeh : magistrsko delo
ID Brezovar, Tjaž (Author), ID Kacin, Alan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Drobnič, Matej (Comentor)

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Uvod: Stopalo predstavlja kinetično povezavo podlage s spodnjo ekstremiteto, njegova patološka biomehanika pa ima lahko vpliv na bolj proksimalne sklepe (predvsem na kolenski in kolčni sklep). Glede na to, da so športniki s spodnjim udom podvrženi velikim silam in preobremenitvenim poškodbam, lahko predvidevamo, da bo pri njih ta vpliv na proksimalne sklepe izrazitejši kot pri netreniranih posameznikih. Namen: Namen magistrskega dela je ugotoviti, ali obstaja razlika v položaju stopala ter položaju kolen v frontalni ravnini, razteznosti mišice gastrocnemius oz. obsegu giba dorzalne fleksije gležnja in pasivnemu obsegu giba notranje in zunanje rotacije kolčnega sklepa med trenirano in netrenirano skupino posameznikov. Zanima nas tudi, ali obstajajo določene povezave med indeksom položaja stopala in ostalimi opazovanimi parametri znotraj posamezne opazovane skupine. Metode dela: V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 17 članov rokometnega kluba Trimo Trebnje, ki so predstavljali eksperimentalno skupino, in 16 po spolu in starosti primerljivih netreniranih posameznikov, ki so predstavljali kontrolno skupino. Pri vseh smo izmerili obseg pasivnega giba zunanje in notranje rotacije pri ekstendiranem kolku, položaja kolen v frontalni ravnini, obseg pasivnega giba dorzalne fleksije gležnja pri ekstendiranem kolenu in indeks položaja stopala. Skupini smo med seboj primerjali z neparametričnim testom za neparne vzorce Kruskal-Wallis. Za oceno povezave med odvisno in posamezno neodvisno spremenljivko smo uporabili Spearmanov korelacijski koeficienti. Rezultati: Statistično pomembno razliko med skupinama smo ugotovili zgolj pri obsegu pasivnega giba dorzalne fleksije gležnja (15° proti 13°) in položaju kolen (0° proti 1°) (p<0,05), pri drugih merjenih parametrih statistično pomembnih razlik ni bilo. Statistično pomembne povezave med položajem stopala in ostalimi merjenimi parametri nismo potrdili. Razprava in sklep: Meritve kažejo, da imajo rokometaši bolj prožno m. gastrocnemius ter večjo valgus deviacijo položaja kolen kot netrenirani posamezniki. Nismo potrdili nobene korelacije med položajem stopala in ostalih opazovanih parametrov znotraj posamezne skupine, vendar moramo biti pri interpretaciji teh rezultatov previdni, saj rokometaši niso imeli nič bolj proniranih ali supiniranih stopal od netreniranih posameznikov, kar je bila naša izhodiščna predpostavka. Za odločnejše zaključke bi potrebovali večje število preiskovancev in objektivnejše merilne pripomočke. Kljub vsemu je naša raziskava ena prvih v svetovnem merilu, ki se je ukvarjala z vplivom položaja stopala na ostale strukture spodnje ekstremitete pri rokometaših in je dobro izhodišče za nadaljnje raziskovanje.

Keywords:kolk, koleno, gleženj, stopalo, varus, valgus, razteznost m. gastrocnemius, indeks položaja stopala, rokomet
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106013 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5568363 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.01.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of hip range of motion, knee position and foot posture index in handball players and non-athletes : master thesis
Introduction: The foot and ankle complex represent kinetic linkage between the ground and lower extremity and its pathological biomechanics could have an influence on proximal joints of lower extremity, especially knee and hip joints. Athletes’ ankles and lower extremities are under constant loads and suffer overuse injuries. We anticipate that there would be more impact on proximal joints of lower extremity among trained athletes than non-trained athletes. Purpose: The thesis aims to identify the difference in the hip passive rotation range of motion, passive dorsal flexion range of motion, knee alignment and foot position between the experimental and the control group. We also wanted to identify the connection between Foot posture index and other measured parameters within the observed groups. Materials and methods: The study was conducted on a sample of 17 handball players of the handball club Trimo Trebnje (experimental group) and on 16 by gender and age comparable non-athletes (control group). We measured the passive hip internal and external rotation range of motion, the passive dorsal range of motion with an extended knee to identify m. gastrocnemius length, as well as the knee alignment and foot position measured by Foot posture index. The groups were compared by the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test. In order to estimate the connection between the dependent and the individual independent variables, Spearman’s correlation coefficients were calculated. Results: A statistically significant difference between groups was found in the passive dorsal flexion range of motion (15° compared to 13°) and knee alignment (0° compared to 1°) (p<0,05), otherwise there was no difference. There was also no statistically significant connection between the ankle position and other observed parameters. Discussion and conclusion: Based on our results we can conclude that handball players have a more flexible m. gastrocnemius and greater valgus deviation of knees (p<0,05) than the experimental group. Otherwise, we were unable to confirm a correlation between Foot Posture Index and other observed parameters. We have to be careful with the interpretation of the results, since handball players did not have more pronated or supinated feet than the control group, which was our initial hypothesis. We would need to include more subjects and use more objective measurement tools for decisive conclusions. This is one of the first studies worldwide that examined the foot position and its influence on other structures of lower extremity. It provides a good starting point for further research.

Keywords:hip, knee, ankle, foot, genu varum, genu valgum, m. gastrocnemius flexibility, Foot posture index, handball

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