
Varnostni vidiki pri uporabi električnih vozil
ID Turk, Marko (Author), ID Ambrož, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Električna vozila predstavljajo relativno novo in hitro razvijajočo tehnologijo, ki ima močno podporo v evropskih inštitucijah in avtomobilski industriji. Podpora se odraţa v vse večji prisotnosti električnih vozil na cestah, ki pa je še vedno zanemarljiva v primerjavi z klasičnimi vozili z motorji z notranjim zgorevanjem. Kljub temu, mora biti uporaba električnih vozil načrtovana, organizira, izvajana in tudi kontrolirana. Varnost je ena od osnovnih človeških dobrin, s čimer lahko nova tehnologija, ki jo predstavljajo električna vozila, v realni uporabi, ogrozi voznikovo varnost in varnost drugih udeleţencev v prometu, kar pa je nesprejemljivo. Vsako vozilo mora biti zasnovano in izdelano tako, da ni vzrok prometne nezgode, če pa ţe pride do nezgode, mora le to zaščititi vse udeleţence v nezgodi. Dejavniki, ki vplivajo na varnost vozil morajo biti identificirani in v končni fazi regulirani skozi homologacijski postopek. V tej zaključni nalogi, so s pomočjo zbiranja, preučevanja, analize in sinteze številnih pisnih virov, prikazani dejavniki, ki vplivajo na varnost vozil s posebnim poudarkom na električna vozila. Regulativa na področju varnosti vozil se zelo hitro spreminja in v njo se vključujejo tudi specifične zahteve povezane z varnostjo električnih vozi. Varna uporaba električnega vozila se v bistvu razlikuje od varne uporabe vozil z motorjem na notranje zgorevanje, samo v varni uporabi baterij. Varnost baterij je tako osnovna problematika varne uporabe električnih vozil, na katero se osredotočajo strokovnjaki in regulativna ureditev.

Keywords:varnost vozil, električna vozila, baterije, homologacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Turk]
Number of pages:XXII, 51 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-106010 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16482331 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.01.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Aspects of safety in the use of electric vehicles
Electric vehicles represent relatively new and rapidly growing technology, which has strong support in European institutions and the automotive industry. Support is reflected in the increasing presence of electric vehicles on roads, which is still negligible compared to conventional vehicles with internal combustion engines. Nevertheless, the use of electric vehicles must be planned, organized, implemented and controlled. Safety is one of the basic human goods and the new technology represented by electric vehicles can in real use, jeopardize driver safety and other road users, which is unacceptable. Each vehicle must be designed and constructed in such a way that it is not the cause of a traffic accident, and if an accident occurs, it must protect as much as possible all participants in the accident. Factors affecting the safety of vehicles must be identified and ultimately regulated through the approval process. In this final thesis, by means of collecting, studying, analysing and synthesizing numerous written sources, the factors that influence the safety of vehicles with special emphasis on electric vehicles are shown. The vehicle safety regulation changes very rapidly and includes specific requirements related to the safety of electric vehicles. The safe use of an electric vehicle is essentially different from the safe use of vehicles with an internal combustion engine, only in the safe use of batteries. The safety of batteries is thus a fundamental issue of the safe use of electric vehicles, which is focused on professionals and regulations.

Keywords:vehicles safety, electric vehicles, batterys, homologation

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