
Akademski nepotizem: sorodstvene strukture v akademskem polju
ID Bartole, Nika (Author), ID Komel, Mirt (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kronegger, Luka (Comentor)

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V magistrskem delu je obravnavan nepotizem in njegove oblike, pregled zgodovine, razčlenitev sorodstvenih struktur, akademskega polja, navedena je obstoječa zakonodaja in empirični del, kjer je predstavljena kvalitativna analiza sorodstvenih povezav v akademski sferi. Nepotizem, ki ga v ožjem pomenu poznamo kot zaposlovanje ali dajanje prednosti pri zaposlovanju svojim sorodnikom, lahko razumemo in pojasnimo na precej bolj kompleksen način, kot je sprva moč pomisliti. Nepotizem je družbeni pojav, ki velja za etično spornega, nezakonita, koruptivnega, nepravičnega, celo diskriminatornega, a vendar ostaja, vsaj v večini primerov, zakonsko nekaznovan. Gre za pojav, ki ga lahko razumemo na različne načine, odvisno od očal, s katerimi si pomagamo brati to, kar je napisano. Temelji na družbeni in kulturni percepciji sorodstvenih struktur, ki implicirajo, da sta de facto dva posameznika v sorodstvenem razmerju, seveda pa vse zavisi od tega, kako razumemo sorodstvene vezi. V magistrskem delu ugotavljam, da se sorodstvene strukture klasificirajo v različne kulturne kontekste, kakor pač ustreza njihovi empirični pogojenosti, je pa vsakokratna logika tista, ki določa njihov pomen. Kompleksnost dojemanja sorodstvenih struktur lahko osmislimo z implementacijo Lacanove konceptualne triade (realnega, simbolnega, imaginarnega), v naslednjem koraku pa umestimo v Diskurz univerze, s pomočjo katerega lahko objektivno vednost razumemo kot enakopravnost pri obravnavi kandidatov, selekcijo kot ritual prehoda, upravičenosti do delovnega mesta ipd. V zadnjem, empiričnem delu, naloge me je zanimala morebitna prisotnost sorodstvenih struktur v akademski sferi.

Keywords:Nepotizem, akademski nepotizem, korupcija, sorodstvene strukture, nasprotje interesov.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105952 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:35988317 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.01.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Academic nepotism: kinship structures in the academic field
The master's thesis inlcudes nepotism and its forms, an overview of history, the deconstruction of kinship structures, academic field, the existing legislation and the empirical part, where a qualitative analysis of kinship structures in the academic sphere is presented. Nepotism which in the narrow sense is known as employment or giving priority in employment to its relatives can be understood and explained in a much more complex way than we might first think. Ne-potism is a socially applied phenomenon which is considered unethical, illegal, corrupted, unfair, even discriminatory, but in most cases remains legally unpunished. It is a phenomenon that can be understood in different ways, depending on the glasses with the help of which we read what is written. It is based on the social and cultural perceptions of the kinship structures that imply that two individuals are de facto in a kinship relationship, all depending on how kisnhip structures are understood. In my master's thesis I find that the kinship structures are classified into different cultural contexts as their empirical conditionality corresponds, but each logic is the one that determines their significance. The complexity of perceiving relationships can be conceived through the implementation of Lacan's conceptual triad (real, symbolic, im-aginary) and in the next step we place it in the Discourse of the University, with the help of which we can understand objective knowledge as equality in the treatment of candidates, se-lection as a ritual of transition, entitlement to the workplace, etc. In the last, empirical part, I was interested in the in the possible presence of kinship structures in the academic sphere.

Keywords:Nepotism, academic nepotism, corruption, kinship structures, conflict of interest.

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