
Primerjava standardov za higieno rok v izbranih slovenskih bolnišnicah : diplomsko delo
ID Pockova Postolova, Viktorija (Author), ID Jevšnik, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Jereb, Gregor (Comentor)

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MD5: 9788FF2A391058D992D4EECC6CBE04CF

Uvod: Zdravstvena oskrba v bolnišnicah je povezana s specifičnim tveganjem nastanka okužb, povezanih z zdravstvom, zato so zaposleni v zdravstvu dolžni izvajati dejavnosti ter ukrepe, ki vodijo k preprečevanju le-teh. Kontaminirane roke zdravstvenih uslužbencev z različnimi patogenimi organizmi so idealen medij za prenos mikroorganizmov s pacientove kože na kožo ali na sluznice drugega pacienta in njegovo okolico. S higieno rok se pojmuje umivanje in razkuževanje rok, kirurško umivanje in razkuževanje rok, uporaba rokavic, izvajanje tehnike nedotikanja in nega rok. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti standarde za izvajanje umivanja in razkuževanja rok v izbranih bolnišnicah v Sloveniji ter jih med seboj primerjati. Metode dela: Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo. Vključili smo strokovno in znanstveno literaturo iz podatkovnih baz COBISS.SI, ScienceDirect, CINAH, PubMed in Medline. V raziskavi je uporabljena literatura od 2008 do 2018. Znanstveno in strokovno literaturo smo kritično pregledali in upoštevali določene predpostavke, da se vsebina članka navezuje na vzdrževanje higiene rok ter da se članek navezuje na bolnišnice. Rezultati: Primerjali smo standarde treh slovenskih bolnišnic - Bolnišnice Topolšica, Univerzitetnega kliničnega centra Ljubljana in Splošne bolnišnice Celje. Primerjali smo jih po navedenih standardnih ukrepih za preprečevanje okužb, kaj zajema pojem higiena rok, kdaj si je potrebno higiensko umiti/razkužiti roke, opis tehnike umivanja/razkuževanja rok ter pregled minimalnih tehničnih pogojev, potrebnih za ustrezno higieno rok. Razprava: Standardni ukrepi za preprečevanje okužb so vzdrževanje higiene rok, uporaba osebne varovalne opreme ter čiščenje in razkuževanje pacientove okolice. Roke si je potrebno higiensko umiti/razkužiti glede na splošna pravila osebne higiene, po socialnih stikih, kadar so vidno umazane z organskim materialom ter pred prihodom in odhodom z delovnega mesta. Tehnike umivanja/razkuževanja rok opisujejo, da si je potrebno odstraniti ves nakit, umiva/razkužuje se celotno površino rok ter pri umivanju se roke splahne in osuši z brisačkami za enkratno uporabo. Minimalni tehnični pogoji so tekoča voda, milo, umivalnik, brisačke za enkratno uporabo, razkužilo in koš za smeti. Zaključek: V zdravstvu ima vzdrževanje higiene na delovnem mestu pomembno vlogo. Kljub priporočilom, zavezam in raziskavam ugotavljamo, da se umivanje in razkuževanje rok v zdravstvenih ustanovah ne izvaja učinkovito. Stopnja obolevnosti za bolnišničnimi okužbami je velika. Preprečevanje le-teh prinaša zdravstveni negi izzive, s katerimi se bo potrebno v bodoče soočiti

Keywords:higiena, razkuževanje, umivanje, bolnišnica
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105922 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5564011 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.12.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of hand hygiene standards in selected slovenian hospitals : diploma work
Introduction: Hospital healthcare is linked with the specific risk of healthcare-associated infections; healthcare workers are therefore required to carry out activities and measures that will prevent such infections. Health professionals' pathogen-contaminated hands are an ideal medium for transfering microorganisms from one patient's skin to the skin or mucous membranes of another patient as well as their surroundings. Hand hygiene is regarded as hand washing and disinfecting, surgical hand scrubing and disinfecting, use of gloves, implementation of non-touch techniques and hand care. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma thesis is to present the standards for the implementation of hand washing and disinfection in the selected hospitals in Slovenia and compare them with each other. Methods of work: We used the descriptive method. We included professional and scientific literature from the COBISS.SI, ScienceDirect, CINAH, PubMed and Medline databases. Literature ranging from 2008 to 2018 is used in the research. All literature has been critically examined with certain assumptions taken into account - that the article content relates to the maintenance of hand hygiene and that the article relates to hospitals. Results: We compared the standards of three Slovenian hospitals - Topolšica Hospital, University Medical Centre Ljubljana and General Hospital Celje. We compared them according to the aforementioned standard measures for the infection prevention, which include the concept of hand hygiene, when it is necessary to hygienically wash/disinfect hands, a description of the technique of hand washing / disinfecting and an overview of the minimum technical conditions necessary for proper hand hygiene. Discussion: Standard measures to prevent infections include maintaining hygiene, using personal protective equipment in addition to cleaning and disinfecting the patient's surroundings. Hands should be hygienically washed /disinfected according to the general rules of personal hygiene, after social contacts, when visibly soiled with organic material and before arriving and leaving the workplace. The hand washing /disinfecting technique requires that all jewelry needs to be removed, followed by washing the entire surface of the hands, rinsing and drying using disposable paper towels. Minimum technical conditions include running water, soap, a sink, disposable paper towels, disinfectant and a waste bin. Conclusion: Maintainig hygiene at work is important in healthcare. Despite the recommendations, commitments and research we find that hand washing and disinfecting in health facilities is not performed effectively. There is a high incidence of hospital-acquired infections. Preventing these infections brings challenges into healthcare that will need to be addressed in the future.

Keywords:hygiene, disinfection, washing hands, hospital

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