
Svetovanje o primerni poporodni kontracepciji : diplomsko delo
ID Zupan, Patricija (Author), ID Stanek Zidarič, Tita (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 4E10E0C23D5B9EBD958483E153779DA8

Uvod: V diplomskem delu smo predstavili različne vrste kontracepcije, primerno kontracepcijo za uporabo po porodu, svetovanje o primerni izbiri poporodne kontracepcije in pomen svetovanja že v času nosečnosti. Svetovanje o kontracepciji v času nosečnosti je pomembno, ker nosečnost kmalu po porodu ni neobičajna, s primerno zaščito pa bi preprečili nenačrtovano nosečnost ali kratkotrajni interval med dvema nosečnostnima. Namen: Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti, ali študentje v študiju programa babištva pridobijo dovolj informacij o uporabi kontracepcije v poporodnem obdobju in ali imajo diplomati babištva ustrezno znanje, da ženski svetujejo o poporodni kontracepciji. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela s sistematičnim pregledom domače in tuje literature. Uporabljene ključne besede za iskanje literature so bile kontracepcija po porodu, svetovanje, poporodna kontracepcija, contraception after pregnancy, pregnancy, counseling. Literatura je bila iskana v spletnih podatkovnih bazah MedLine, CINAHL, COBISS.SI in preko spletnega brskalnika Google učenjak. Raziskava je temeljila na kvantitativni metodologiji z uporabo anonimnega anketnega vprašalnika. Rezultati: Iz raziskave je razvidno, da je znanje študentov babištva o sami kontracepciji dobro, vendar pri določenih metodah kontracepcije niso dobro seznanjeni z njihovo učinkovitostjo in samim načinom uporabe, zato je stopnja samozavesti pri svetovanju o določenih metodah slabša, večina pa jih tudi nima izkušenj s samim svetovanjem o poporodni kontracepciji. Razprava in zaključek: Študentje babištva imajo ustrezno znanje o kontracepciji, vendar je na določenih področjih pomanjkljivo. Seznanjeni so z metodami kontracepcije in osnovnim pomenom metod. Znanje pa je pomanjkljivejše pri načinu uporabe in zanesljivosti zaščite pri določenih metodah. Poleg znanja o kontracepciji bi se lahko pozornost namenilo tudi samemu svetovanju ženski o izbiri kontracepcije, saj večina študentov nima izkušenj s tem. Študentom babištva bi bilo potrebno natančneje predstaviti prednosti svetovanja, kako poteka svetovanje in na kaj morajo biti pozorni, ko ženski svetujejo o najučinkovitejši metodi kontracepcije.

Keywords:kontracepcija, poporodno obdobje, babištvo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105900 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5561963 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.12.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Counseling about appropriate birth control after delivery : diploma work
Introduction: In the diploma work we presented various types of contraception, appropriate contraception for use after birth, counseling about suitable contraception choice in postpartum period and the importance of consultation during pregnancy. Contraception consultation during pregnancy is important because pregnancy shortly after delivery is not uncommon and with appropriate protection we can prevent unplanned pregnancy or a short-term interval between two pregnancies. Purpose: With the survey we wanted to find out whether the study program for midwives provides sufficient information on the use of contraception in the postnatal period and whether midwifery students have adequate knowledge to give advise to women on postnatal contraception. Methods: In the dipoma work we used a descriptive method of work with a systematic overview of Slovene and English literature. The used keywords for literature search were kontracepcija po porodu, svetovanje, poporodna kontracepcija, contraception after pregnancy, pregnancy, counseling. References were searched in the online databases of MedLine, CINAHL, COBISS.SI and the Google Scholar Web browser. The research was based on a quantitative methodology using an anonymous questionnaire. Results: The research shows that the knowledge of midwifery students on the contraceptive itself is good, but with certain methods they are not completely aware of their effectiveness and the way they are used, so the degree of self-confidence in counseling on certain methods is less well and most students don't have experience with counseling about postpartum contraception. Discussion and conclusion: Midwifery students have adequate knowledge of contraception but in certain areas it's more inadequate. They are familiar with the methods of contraception and their basic meaning. Knowledge is deficient in the way how certain methods of contraception are used and the reliability of protection for certain methods. In addition to knowing about contraception, attention could also be given to counseling alone and how to give women advice for a right choice of contraception, since most students have no experience with this. The midwifery students should be more precise about the benefits of counseling, how counseling is carried out and what to look out for when giving advise on most effective methode of contraception.

Keywords:contraception, postnatal period, midwifery

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