
Senzorična ocena sladkosti in vsebnosti sladkorjev v mlečnih formulah
ID Zavadlav, Dea (Author), ID Korošec, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Fidler Mis, Nataša (Comentor)

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Dojenčki imajo prirojeno nagnjenje za sladek okus, zaradi prevelikega vnosa sladkorjev, lahko pride tudi do pretiranega nagnjenja za sladek okus. Na to lahko vplivajo tudi mlečne formule, ki vsebujejo različne količine sladkorja. Obravnavali smo 27 vzorcev mlečnih formul za zdrave dojenčke, ki smo jih razdelili v 4 skupine glede na starost otrok, ki so jim namenjene. Zaznano intenzivnost sladkega okusa vzorcev mlečnih formul vsake skupine smo ocenili z metodo razvrščanja, z 29 članskim panelom. S primerjavo rezultatov razvrščanja in deklariranih vrednosti za vsebnost skupnih sladkorjev in laktoze smo želeli preveriti, ali obstaja povezava med vsebnostjo laktoze v mlečnih formulah in zaznavanjem sladkega okusa. Določili smo tudi vsebnost beljakovin, pepela ter vode v vzorcih mlečnih formul ter analizirane vsebnosti primerjali s tistimi, ki so bile navedene na embalaži vzorcev. Na osnovi rezultatov senzoričnega preskusa razvrščanja smo ugotovili, da sta imela v skupini formul za donošene dojenčke vzorca N3 in N4 večjo intenzivnost sladkega okusa kot vzorci N5, N10 ter N8. V skupini formul za dojenčke od šest do deset mesecev je imel vzorec N11 večjo intenzivnost sladkega okusa od vzorcev N14, N18 in N13. V skupini mleka za malčke po desetem oziroma dvanajstem mesecu sta imela vzorca N21 in N19 večjo intenzivnost sladkega okusa od vzorcev N25, N22, N24, N20. Mlečne formule se sicer razlikujejo v intenzivnosti sladkega okusa znotraj skupin, nismo pa potrdili značilnih povezav med deklarirano vsebnostjo sladkorja in zaznano intenzivnostjo sladkega okusa.

Keywords:dojenčki, prehrana dojenčkov, mlečne formule, vsebnost sladkorjev, sladkost, senzorična analiza
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[D. Zavadlav]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105891 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5011832 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.12.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Sensory evaluation of sweetness and content of sugars in milk formulas
Infants have a naturally occurring tendency to sweet taste, and because of excessive sugar intakes, they may have excessive tendency to sweet taste. This can also be caused by milk formulas, because they contain different amounts of sugar. We examined 27 samples of milk formulas for healthy babies, which were divided into 4 groups according to the age of children for whom they are intended. The detected intensity of the sweet taste of samples of milk formulas of each group was evaluated by a sorting method with a 29 member panel. By comparing the classification results and the declared values for the total sugars and lactose content, we wanted to verify that there is a noticeable correlation between the amount of lactose in milk formulas and in the perception of sweet taste. We also determined the protein, ash and water content in samples of milk formulas and compared the analysed contents with those indicated on the sample packaging. Based on the results of the sensory grading test, we found that in the milk formulas for infants up to six months, the samples N3 and N4 had a higher intensity of sweet taste than the samples N5, N10 and N8. In the formulas for infants from six to ten months N11 sample had a higher intensity of sweet taste than the samples N14, N18 and N13. In the milk for toddlers after ten or twelve months the samples N21 and N19 had a higher intensity of sweet taste than samples N25, N22, N24, N20. The milk formulas differ in the intensity of sweet taste within the groups, but we did not confirm the characteristic correlations between the declared sugar content and the perceived intensity of sweet taste.

Keywords:infants, nutrition of infants, milk formulas, sugar content, sweetness, sensory analysis

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