
Kompetentnost učiteljev za poučevanje angleščine v prvem triletju osnovne šole
ID Grahut, Mirjam (Author), ID Dagarin Fojkar, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5536/ This link opens in a new window

Zgodnje poučevanje tujih jezikov postaja vse aktualnejša tema, saj se trenutno na osnovnih šolah angleščina kot neobvezni predmet izvaja že v prvem razredu, kot obvezni predmet pa od drugega razreda dalje. Angleščino lahko v prvem triletju osnovne šole poučujejo tisti učitelji, ki so se na drugi stopnji razrednega pouka usmerili v Poučevanje na razredni stopnji z angleščino ali pa učitelji, ki so po končanem študiju razrednega pouka ali anglistike opravili dodatni študijski program izpopolnjevanja iz zgodnjega poučevanja angleščine. Po končanem študiju se učitelji znajdejo v razredu, v katerem se od njih pričakuje, da imajo razvite tako splošne kot tudi določene predmetno-specifične kompetence, ki so nujne za poučevanje angleščine v prvem triletju osnovne šole. V magistrskem delu bomo še posebej velik poudarek namenili predmetno-specifičnim kompetencam, ki jih morajo imeti razvite, če želijo biti »dobri« učitelji angleščine. Učitelji imajo v času poklica možnost te kompetence tudi krepiti, kar vpliva tako na njihov osebni kot tudi profesionalni razvoj. Rezultati kvantitativne raziskave, v kateri je sodelovalo 100 učiteljev, ki poučujejo angleščino v prvem triletju osnovne šole, so pokazali, da učitelji večinoma menijo, da imajo dobro razvite predmetno-specifične kompetence in da se v splošnem počutijo dovolj kompetentne za poučevanje angleščine na nižji stopnji. Na podlagi pridobljenih podatkov sicer ugotavljamo, da se med učitelji razrednega pouka in anglisti pojavljajo razlike v tem, da učitelji razrednega pouka ocenjujejo pomen in razvitost svoje specialno-didaktične kompetence bolje kot anglisti, medtem ko anglisti dajejo večji poudarek jezikovni kompetenci in menijo, da imajo le-to razvito tudi z manj pomanjkljivostmi. Ugotavljamo tudi, da imajo učitelji medkulturno kompetenco razvito z največ pomanjkljivostmi, saj se občasno srečujejo z določenimi omejitvami oz. težavami pri vključevanju kulturnih vsebin v pouk, prav tako pa vključevanja kulturnih vsebin pri pouku ne povezujejo z najpomembnejšo vlogo učitelja pri zgodnjem poučevanju angleščine. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da obstaja povezanost med predhodnim izobraževanjem učiteljev in razvojem predmetno-specifičnih kompetenc, ki pa se je izkazala za zanemarljivo ali šibko. Ob koncu raziskave smo prišli tudi do ugotovitve, da pomanjkljivosti na področju razvoja predmetno-specifičnih kompetenc učitelji kompenzirajo s krepitvijo kompetenc na različne načine, najpogosteje za potrebe izboljšanja jezikovne kompetence.

Keywords:poučevanje angleščine
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105861 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12253513 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.01.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Teachers' competence for teaching English in the first triad of primary school
Early foreign language teaching in Slovenia is currently receiving a lot of attention, mostly because English is now an elective subject in the first grade and compulsory from the second grade of primary school onwards. Only teachers that finished master's teacher training program for specializing in teaching English to young learners can teach English in the first triad of primary school, or specialist teachers in English language teaching and primary education teachers with an additional in-service teacher training for early English language teaching. After finishing their studies, teachers find themselves in a classroom, where they are expected to have their general and subject-specific competences for early English language teaching well developed. In our master's dissertation we are focusing on subject-specific competences that teachers need to develop if they want to be »good« English language teachers. Certainly, teachers can strengthen those competences during their profession and this way, they become more personally and professionally developed. The results of the quantitative research, which was attended by 100 teachers that teach English as a foreign language in the first triad of primary school showed that in general, teachers think they have their subject-specific competences well developed and feel sufficiently competent to teach English to young learners. Based on our data, we can find some differences between specialist teachers and primary education teachers in the fact, that primary education teachers assess the importance and development of their special-didactics competence better than specialist teachers, while those give greater emphasis on language competence that is in their opinion developed with fewer deficiencies than all the other ones. Also, we can see that all teachers have their intercultural competence developed with more deficiencies, since they occasionally encounter certain limitations and problems, while integrating cultural content in the classroom. Moreover, comparing to other subject-specific competences, they don't see integration of cultural content that important in early English classroom. The research also demonstrated a weak connection between previous education of teachers and development of their subject-specific competences. At the end of our research, we came to a conclusion that teachers compensate their deficiencies in the field of subject-specific competences with strengthening competences in various ways, especially as regards their language competence.

Keywords:teaching English as a foreign language

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