
Pojmovanja edukacijske vloge muzeja pri kustosih in kustosih pedagogih
ID Blazinšek, Tajda (Author), ID Kemperl, Metoda (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bračun Sova, Rajka (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5534/ This link opens in a new window

Vse od sredine preteklega stoletja se je z nastopom 'nove muzeologije' začela krepiti izobraževalna vloga muzejev. Nekdaj obrobna muzejska dejavnost je postala ena od središčnih funkcij muzeja. Pojavili so se novi profili muzejskih delavcev, med drugim profil kustosa pedagoga, ki že ima status samostojnega muzejskega poklica tudi pri nas. V magistrskem delu preučujem, kako edukacijo v muzeju pojmujejo kustosi in kustosi pedagogi. Gre za dva različna profila muzejskih strokovnjakov, ki sta vsak na svoj način vpeta v vzgojno-izobraževalno poslanstvo muzejev, vendar pa je ločnica med njima oz. njunim delom v praksi precej nejasna. Načrtovanje in izvedba izobraževalnih dejavnosti v muzejih sta problematična z več vidikov. Kustosi, skrbniki muzejskih zbirk, že v fazi evidentiranja, pridobivanja, klasifikacije in sistematizacije muzejskega gradiva neposredno oblikujejo vednost oziroma znanje, ki je obiskovalcem pozneje posredovano v obliki razstav. V prvi vrsti se kustos posveča preučevanju predmetov in zbirk, kustos pedagog pa skrbi za čim intenzivnejše zbližanje muzejskih predmetov in obiskovalcev ter premošča mostove med stroko in potrebami različnih skupin obiskovalcev. Kakšna osebna pojmovanja in prepričanja enih in drugih stojijo za tem delovanjem, je predmet te raziskave. S poglobljenimi intervjuji s kustosi in kustosi pedagogi sem poskušala pridobiti uvid v njihova pojmovanja edukacijske vloge muzeja. Magistrsko delo prispeva k razvoju muzejske pedagogike v slovenskem prostoru, saj doslej še niso bile opravljene raziskave, ki bi se ukvarjale z edukacijsko vlogo muzejev skozi perspektivo zaposlenih v muzeju. Kvalitativna raziskava je pokazala, kdo vse in na kakšen način je v proces oblikovanja in posredovanja znanja v muzejih vključen, kakšna so razmerja med muzejskimi delavci kot ključnimi akterji in kako slednja vplivajo na vzgojno-izobraževalno dejavnost posameznih muzejev.

Keywords:muzejska pedagogika
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105859 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12251721 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.01.2019
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Secondary language

Title:Conceptions about the educational role of the museum between curators and museum educators
Since the middle of the previous century, the appearance of the ‘new museology’ has started to strengthen the educational role of the museum. Once marginal museum activity has become one of the central functions of the museum. New profiles of the museum workers appeared, among others the profile of the museum educator which has reached the status of an independent museum profession also in Slovenia. In the master’s thesis, I study how the curators and the museum educators understand education in the museum. These are two different types of museum experts who are – each in a way – involved in the educational mission of the museums. However, the dividing line between them and their work is pretty unclear in practice. Planning and the performance of educational activities in museums are problematic from several perspectives. Curators, the caretakers of museum collections, form the cognisance and the knowledge, which is later passed to the visitors of the exhibitions, directly already in the phases of keeping records, assembling, classification and systematization of the museum materials. In the first place, the curator is dedicated to studying artifacts and collections. On the other hand, the museum educator takes care of the most intensive bringing together the museum artifacts and the visitors and bridges the discipline and the needs of various groups of visitors. The subject of this research is what personal conceptions and beliefs of ones and the others there are behind these operations. By means of in-depth interviews with curators and museum educators, I tried to gain insight into their conceptions of the educational role of the museum. The master’s thesis contributes to the development of the museum pedagogics in the Slovenian space, as there has been no research so far which would discuss the educational role of the museums through the perspective of the employees in the museum. Qualitative research has shown who and in what way is involved in the process of forming and passing the knowledge in the museums, what are the relationships between museum workers as the essential actors and how the latter influence educational activity of individual museums.

Keywords:museum education

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