
Kritika javne podobe v politični karikaturi: primer Boruta Pahorja v karikaturah Tomaža Lavriča
ID Humar, Katja (Author), ID Milosavljevič, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Podoba politika je plod dolgoročne, zavestne in skrbno izoblikovane strategije. V sodobni vizualni in mediatizirani družbi podoba posameznega političnega predstavnika in vtis, ki ga ta zbuja pri gledalcih, igrata ključno vlogo – posebej v času predvolilnih kampanj. Politiki morajo, če hočejo obstajati, svoj diskurz in predstavitev prilagoditi medijski logiki, ki teče po vseh porah sodobnega življenja. Postopoma postajajo vedno bolj podobni pop zvezdnikom, ki svojo funkcijo opravičujejo s stalno prisotnostjo v medijih. Poslanstvo politične karikature je, da s popačenjem, deformacijo in humorjem razkrinka iluzijo političnih predstav. Kot specifično izrazno sredstvo znotraj tiska, sestavljeno iz besede in slike, ima pomembno kritično vlogo. Borut Pahor je slovenski politik z bogato politično kariero. Slovenski politični prostor je zaznamoval s svojimi inovativnimi predvolilnimi kampanjami in stalno prisotnostjo v medijih. Prav na podlagi svoje zunanje podobe in medijskega izpostavljanja je postal tarča slovenske satire. V magistrski nalogi sem skozi pregled relevantne literature in analizo izbranih karikatur raziskovala, kako je v njih konstruirana podoba Boruta Pahorja, in sicer v obdobju predvolilnih kampanj. Analiza je pokazala, da karikature kritično obravnavajo javno podobo politika, ta pa se skladno z vsako naslednjo kampanjo in večjo medijsko izpostavljenostjo stopnjuje ter postaja vedno bolj osebna.

Keywords:javna podoba, mediji, politična karikatura
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105820 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:35989341 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.12.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Criticism of public image through political caricature: example of Borut Pahor in Tomaž Lavrič's caricatures
A politician's image is the result of a longterm, conscious and carefully designed strategy. In modern society, where visualisation and the media play a very important role, the image of an individual political reperesentative and the impression they create on the spectators, are two key factors – especially during political campagins. If politicians want to continue their work, they have to adjust their discourse and presentation to the modern day's ubiquitous logic of the media. They are graduately becoming more like pop stars who justify their purpose with a constant presence in the media. The mission of caricatures is to reveal the illusion of political notions by deforming the truth and with humour. Its critical role is incredibly important as it is a specific expressive tool within the press, consisting of writing and pictures. Borut Pahor is a Slovenian politician with a rich political career. He left his trademark in the Slovenian political scene with his innovative electoral campigns and constant presence in the media. Due to his appearance and his exposure to the media, he became the target of Slovenian satire. For my disertation, I researched the developement of Borut Pahor's image, especially during the electorial campaigns, by studying relevant literature and analyzing a few selected caricatures. The analysis showed that the caricatures critically discuss the public image of a politician which becomes more intense and more personal with every campaign and greater expossure to the media.

Keywords:public image, the media, political caricature

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