
Vpliv mase proteze na Wartenbergov nihajni test kolena : diplomsko delo
ID Ježovnik, Anja (Author), ID Bohinc, Klemen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Torkar, Drago (Comentor), ID Boltežar, Žane (Comentor)

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Uvod: Nihanje je primer periodičnega gibanja. Predmet, ki niha pa imenujemo nihalo. Če nihalo odmaknemo iz ravnovesne lege, le to prične nihati. Iz skrajne lege se najprej pomika proti ravnovesni legi in dalje v tej smeri, dokler se ne ustavi. Nato se prične gibati v nasprotno smer. Na koncu obmiruje v prvotni ravnovesni legi. Kolenski sklep je največji sklep v telesu. Sestavljen je iz treh kosti, dveh vezivno.rustančnih vložkov in štirih vezi. Nihajni preizkus je enostaven diagnostični preizkus, ki se uporablja za odkrivanje nepravilnosti v kolenskem sklepu. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti kakšen vpliv ima masa proteze na Wartenbergov nihajni preizkus kolena. Metode dela: Preizkus smo opravili na dveh prostovoljcih, po unilateralni transtibialni amputaciji noge. Pri vsakem prostovoljcu smo preizkusili pet proteznih stopal, ki so se razlikovala po masi, in jih primerjali z nepoškodovano nogo. Preiskovanca smo namestili na preiskovalno mizo v polsedeč položaj. Na štiriglavo stegensko mišico smo namestili EKG elektrode za nadzor mišične dejavnosti, na stegno in golen pa odsevnike, ki jih je zaznala infrardeča kamera. Odsevniki na stegnu so tvorili eno premico, odsevniki na goleni pa drugo. Preiskovančevo nogo smo dvignili v horizontalen položaj in jo spustili, da je prosto zanihala. Računalnik je shranjeval kot med premicama. Podatke smo uredili in iz njih izrisali graf dušenega nihanja ter izračunali togost in viskoznost kolenskega sklepa. Rezultati: Vrednosti viskoznosti so bile manjše pri protezah kot pri nepoškodovani nogi. Pri prvem prostovoljcu je bila togost prav tako manjša pri protezah, medtem ko je bila togost protez pri drugem prostovoljcu večja od nepoškodovane noge, kar je posledica sladkorne bolezni. Razprava in zaključek: Pri protezah so vrednosti viskoznosti in togosti pričakovano manjše. Izjema je bila togost pri drugem prostovoljcu, kjer so bile vrednosti protez večje od nepoškodovane noge. Pri viskoznosti so bile razlike med protezami in nepoškodovano nogo majhne. Pri togosti so bile te razlike večje, tudi v primerjavi z ostalimi raziskavami s podobno tematiko.

Keywords:nihanje, podkolenska proteza, Wartenberg, dušeno nihanje, Wartenbergov nihajni test
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105807 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5556331 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.12.2018
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Secondary language

Title:The effect of prosthesis mass on Wartenberg pendulum test : diploma work
Introduction: Oscillation is a type of periodic motion, whose object is called a pendulum. When the pendulum changes its equilibrium point by means of motion, it begins to oscillate. It moves from its extreme upper position toward the equilibrium point and then beyond to the other extreme upper position until it stops. It then moves in the opposite direction, and ultimately settles in its original equilibrium point. Knee joint is the largest joint in the human body. It consists of three bones, two fibrocartilage menisci and four knee ligaments. The swing test is a simple diagnostic test used to detect irregularities in the knee joint. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to determine the impact of the mass of the prosthesis on the Wartenberg knee pendulum test. Methods: The test was performed on two volunteers following a unilateral transtibial foot amputation. Five feet prosthesis with different mass were tested and compared to the undamaged leg. The volunteer test person was placed on the examination table in a semi-seated position. In order to detect muscle activity ECG electrodes were attached to the m. Quadriceps muscle, while infrared reflectors were attached to the thigh and lower leg. The thigh and lower leg reflectors each formed a separate line. The test person's leg was lifted into a horizontal position then released to swing freely. The computer detected the angle between the two lines. The data was compiled and used to draw a graph showing damped oscillation, and to calculate the rigidity and viscosity of the knee joint. Results: Viscosity values were lower in prosthesis than in undamaged legs. For the first volunteer, the rigidity was lower in prosthesis, while the rigidity of the prosthesis in the second volunteer was higher than the undamaged leg, which is due to diabetes. Discussion and conclusion: As expected, the viscosity and rigidity values were lower in prosthesis, excepting the rigidity in the second volunteer. Regarding the viscosity, no major differences were recorded between prosthesis and undamaged legs, while the rigidity showed discrepant results. These may be compared to other similar studies.

Keywords:oscillation, below-knee prosthesis, Wartenberg, damped oscillation, Wartenberg pendulum test

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