
Skupnostni pristop k zdravju: razumevanje vloge medicinskih sester pri promociji zdravja v lokalnih skupnostih : magistrsko delo
ID Rebernik, Klara (Author), ID Kavčič, Matic (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vrbovšek, Sanja (Comentor)

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MD5: C08EC186B6FF1C29356F1448CC157FCB

Uvod: Kronične nenalezljive bolezni sodijo med vodilne vzroke smrti in prezgodnje umrljivosti v svetu. Njihov pojav in z njimi povezane zaplete je mogoče preprečiti tudi z aktivnostmi promocije zdravja, ki vključujejo ukrepe na področju širših determinant zdravja. Mednje sodi podpora lokalnih skupnostim pri izgradnji zdravju podpornega okolja. S krepitvijo vloge medicinskih sester iz centrov za krepitev zdravja in patronažnega varstva pri promociji zdravja v lokalnih skupnostih in izvajanjem aktivnosti po modelu skupnostnega pristopa so le-te postavljene v kompleksnejšo vlogo promotorja zdravja. Namen: Namen magistrskega dela je bil prepoznati ključne vloge medicinskih sester iz centrov za krepitev zdravja in patronažnega varstva pri promociji zdravja v lokalnih skupnostih na osnovi predhodne analize stanja na tem področju. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila metoda fokusne skupine. Izvedene so bile tri fokusne skupine, in sicer v zdravstvenih domovih Celje, Vrhnika in Sevnica. Skupno je sodelovalo 20 medicinskih sester iz centrov za krepitev zdravja in patronažnega varstva. Pridobljeni podatki so bili analizirani z metodo kvalitativne analize vsebine. Rezultati: Medicinske sestre so razumevanje pojma »promocija zdravja v lokalnih skupnostih« v večini opredelile z navajanjem konkretnih primerov aktivnosti, redkeje pa so razumevanje pojma skušale prikazati z abstraktnejšimi opisi. Kot primeri aktivnosti so bili navedeni izvajanje posvetovalnic v lokalnih skupnostih in obeležitve svetovnih dnevov z zdravstveno tematiko. Del aktivnosti v lokalnih skupnostih je načrtovan vnaprej, del teh aktivnosti pa izveden sproti v obliki odzivanja na potrebe ciljne populacije. Kot ključna za izvajanje promocije zdravja v lokalnih skupnostih sta bila izpostavljena ustrezno znanje in praktične izkušnje s strokovnega področja zdravstvene nege. Izvajalci o aktivnostih promocije zdravja v lokalnih skupnostih spremljajo nekatere osnovne podatke (število udeležencev, zadovoljstvo in povratni odziv udeležencev, starostna struktura udeležencev), večina pa bi si dodatno želela spremljati napredek udeležencev ter zdravstveno stanje ciljne populacije. Izpostavljene so bile tudi nekatere ključne ovire pri izvajanju promocije zdravja v lokalnih skupnostih ter predlogi za premoščanje le-teh. Razprava in zaključek: Medicinske sestre morajo okrepiti svojo vlogo na področju sistematičnega pristopa k načrtovanju in kasnejšega spremljanja uspešnosti aktivnosti promocije zdravja v lokalnih skupnostih. Pri nadaljnjem razvoju in raziskovanju bo potrebno pozornost nameniti predvsem preusmeritvi delovanja medicinskih sester v lokalnih skupnostih od pristopa zdravstva k skupnosti k skupnostnemu pristopu k zdravju.

Keywords:medicinske sestre, vloga, promocija zdravja, zdravstvena vzgoja, lokalna skupnost, model skupnostnega pristopa
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105796 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5557099 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.12.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Community-based approach to health: understanding the role of nurses in health promotion in the local communities : master thesis
Introduction: Noncommunicable chronic diseases are among the leading causes of death and premature mortality in the world. Their occurrence and associated complications can be avoided through health promotion activities involving measures in the field of wider determinants of health. This includes supporting local communities in building a health-supportive environment. By strengthening their role in the health promotion in local communities and implementing the community-based approach, nurses from the health promotion centers and community nursing are placed in a more complex health promoter role. Purpose: The purpose of the master thesis was to identify the key roles of nurses from health promotion centers and community nursing in the health promotion in local communities based on a preliminary analysis of the situation in this field. Methods: A focus group method was used. Three focus groups were carried out in primary health centers Celje, Vrhnika and Sevnica. In total, 20 nurses from health promotion centers and community nursing participated. The acquired data were analyzed using the method of qualitative content analysis. Results: Nurses defined the concept of "health promotion in local communities" in the majority by specifying concrete examples of activities, and, more rarely, they tried to show understanding of concept with more abstract descriptions. Examples of activities were the provision of consultations in local communities and the activities at “world days” with health topics. A part of the activities in local communities is planned in advance, and some of these activities are carried out in the form of response to the needs of the target population. Proper knowledge and practical experience in the professional field of nursing was exposed as a key to the implementation of health promotion in local communities. The providers of health promotion activities in local communities are accompanied by some basic data (number of participants, satisfaction and feedback from participants, age structure of participants), and most would also want to monitor the progress of the participants and the health status of the target population. Some key obstacles to the implementation of health promotion in local communities were also highlighted, as well as proposals for bridging them. Discussion and conclusion: Nurses need to strengthen their role in the systematic approach to planning and subsequent monitoring of the efficiency of health promotion activities in local communities. In further development and research, more attention will need to be paid primarily to the reorganization of the work of nurses in local communities from the approach of health professionals to the community to the community-based approach to health.

Keywords:nurses, role, health promotion, health education, local community, community-based approach

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