
Pomen zdravstvene vzgoje pri obporodnih duševnih motnjah : diplomsko delo
ID Suljanović, Hanna (Author), ID Lapanja, Aljoša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Težave na področju duševnega zdravja ženske v nosečnosti in po rojstvu otroka predstavljajo vse večji svetovni problem. Obporodne duševne motnje velikokrat ostanejo neodkrite ali pozno odkrite ter tako težje ozdravljive. Vloga družine in dobrega partnerskega odnosa v takih trenutkih odtehta veliko vlogo. Stigmatizacija in samostigmatizacija imata zelo negativen vpliv pri prepoznavanju ter zdravljenju obporodnih duševnih motenj. Namen: Namen je raziskati pomen zdravstvene vzgoje na področju obporodnih duševnih motenj in vpliv stigmatizacije obporodnih duševnih motenj na pravočasno prepoznavanje in začetek zdravljenja ter opredeliti najustreznejše oblike zdravstveno vzgojnega dela medicinske sestre pri obporodnih duševnih motnjah. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda dela. Literatura je bila iskana v podatkovnih bazah MEDLINE, CINAHL, Cochrane, SAGE Journals ter z iskalnikoma Google Učenjak in COBISS.SI. Rezultati: Zdravstvena vzgoja ima pri preprečevanju in zgodnjem prepoznavanju obporodnih motenj ključen pomen. Samostigmatizacija in stigmatizacija sta velikokrat poglavitna razloga za pozno odkrivanje obporodnih motenj. Medicinska sestra lahko zdravstveno vzgojo izvaja na več ravneh zdravstvene nege. V povezavi z izvajanjem zdravstvene nege otročnice na domu so lahko rezultati hitrejše dosegljivi in bolj uspešni. Razprava in zaključek: Medicinske sestre s svojim znanjem, predanostjo in vztrajnostjo v nekaj letih s profesionalno zdravstveno nego in zdravstveno vzgojo zmorejo rešiti življenja žensk, ki jih je strah spregovoriti o svojih čustvih ali pa znakov obporodnih duševnih motenj ne prepoznajo in jih ne razumejo.

Keywords:duševno zdravje, nosečnost, materinstvo, zdravstvena nega na področju psihiatrije
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105767 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5553771 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.12.2018
SULJANOVIĆ, Hanna, 2018, Pomen zdravstvene vzgoje pri obporodnih duševnih motnjah : diplomsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:The meaning of health education at perinatal mental disorders : diploma work
Introduction: The mental health problems of women during pregnancy and after the birth of a child represent an increasing global problem. Postnatal mental disorders often go undiscovered or are detected late, and as such they are more difficult to cure. In such cases, the woman's family and her good relationship with her partner are of great help. Stigmatization and self-stigmatization have a very negative impact on the recognition and treatment of prenatal and postnatal mental disorders. Purpose: To explore the importance of health education in the field of postnatal mental disorders, the impact of the stigmatization of postnatal mental disorders on their timely identification and beginning of treatment, and to define the most appropriate forms of a nurse's health education work in the case of postnatal mental disorders. Methods: The thesis was written using a descriptive method. References were searched in databases the MEDLINE, CINAHL, Cochrane, SAGE Journal and with browsers Google Scholar and COBISS.SI. Results: Health education has a key role in the prevention and early recognition of postnatal disorders. Self-stigmatization and stigmatization are often the main reasons for the late detection of postnatal disorders. A nurse can carry out health education work at several levels of nursing care; in conjunction with midwifery care, results can be achieved faster and more successfully. Discussion and conclusion: By providing years of professional care and health education using their knowledge, dedication and persistence, nurses can save the lives of women who are afraid to talk about their emotions or who do not recognize and understand the signs of postnatal mental disorders.

Keywords:mental health, pregnancy, maternity, psychiatric nursing care

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