
Povezovanje makroskopske in submikroskopske ravni pri razumevanju osnovnih kemijskih pojmov z uporabo spletno podprtih učnih materialov
ID Nuić, Ines (Author), ID Glažar, Saša A. (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Đapo, Nermin (Comentor)

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V prvem delu raziskave identificiramo napačna razumevanja temeljnih znanstvenih pojmov v osnovnošolskem izobraževanju. Veliko raziskav je usmerjenih v napačna razumevanja v kemiji ter metodam poučevanja, kako le te preseči. Napačna razumevanja vplivajo na učenčevo učenje, ga otežijo in ovirajo razumevanje konceptov, kar, če ni ustrezno obravnavano, pripelje do učnih težav. V drugem delu ugotavljamo učinkovitost spletnega učnega gradiva za učenje znanstveno dokazanih konceptov o naravi delcev snovi, z uporabo strategij e-učenja. E-učenje je bilo prepoznano kot obetavna strategij pri različnih šolskih predmetih. Mi smo jo vpeljali v učno uro kemije. Pripravljene so bile metode poučevanja, ki povezujejo makroskopsko opazovanje z njihovo interpretacijo na submikro nivoju. Cilje je bil izboljšati razumevanje konceptov, katerih napačna razumevanja smo identificirali v prvem delu raziskave. Analizirane so bile sledeče spremenljivke: predhodno znanje o obravnavani temi, sposobnost razmišljanja, pridobljeno verbalno znanje, odnos do kemije, učne preference, motivacija za učenje in socio-demografski status. Sledi interpretacija rezultatov in ugotovitev raziskave. Udeleženci v raziskavi so bili učenci 8 razreda osnovne šole (stari 13-14 let). V raziskavo so bile vključene naslednje teme iz kurikula za kemijo za 8 razred osnovne šole: zgradba snovi, stanja snovi, čiste substance in zmesi. Raziskava je vključevala pilotni del in glavni del. Namen pilotne raziskave je bil preveriti ustreznost instrumentov za zbiranje podatkov, ocena izvedljivosti glavne raziskave in identificiranje morebitnih težav pri izvedbi raziskave. Pilotna izvedba je vključevala 108 učencev, glavna izvedba pa 191 učencev. Metoda poučevanja s spletnim gradivom je bila implementirana v ekperimentalni skupini 1) pri pouku kemije v razredu (EG2) in 2) kot domače delo, poleg klasičnega frontalnega pristopa poučevanja (EG1). Kontrolna skupina je bila deležna klasičnega, frontalnega načina poučevanja (CG). Rezultati kažejo na učinek izbrane strategije s spletnim gradivom. Strategija se je pokazala kot obetavna v primeru, ko je bila implementirana pri pouku kemije v razredu, saj so EG2 učenci dosegli boljši rezultat na testih znanja kot učenci v EG1 in CG skupini ter poročali manjše število napačnih razumevanj. Znanstveni doprinos doktorske dizertacije na področju didaktike kemijskega poučevanja je v prepoznavanju potenciala e-učenja za boljše razumevanj kemičnih konceptov.

Keywords:makroskopsko opazovanje
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105527 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12212809 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.12.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Integration of macroscopic and submicroscopic levels for understanding fundamental chemical concepts using web-based learning material
This research is, in its first part, addressed to identifying the misconceptions regarding the underlying scientific concepts at primary school level. Many researches deal with misconceptions in chemistry and the teaching techniques aimed to overcome them. Misconceptions are influential to students’ learning, making it more demanding and hindering the conceptual understanding, which results in learning difficulties if not addressed accordingly. The second part examines the effectiveness of web-based learning material (WBLM) on acquiring scientifically approved conceptions regarding particulate nature of matter (PNM), using e-learning strategy with WBLM. E-learning has been reported to be a promising strategy in various school subjects. Herein, it was applied in chemistry instruction. Teaching strategies that link macroscopic observations with their interpretation at the submicro level were constructed. The aim was to facilitate more appropriate understanding of the concepts whose misunderstandings were identified in the first part of the study. The following variables were analyzed: previous knowledge on the subject matter, reasoning ability, acquired verbal knowledge, attitudes towards chemistry, learning preferences, motivation to learn, and socio-demographic status. The results were interpreted in the light of these findings. Participants in the research were 8th grade students (13–14 years old) attending primary school. The study included the following topics from 8th grade primary school chemistry curriculum: structure of matter, states of matter, pure substances, and mixtures. The study design included the pilot and the main study. The aim of the pilot study was to test the adequacy of the instruments for collecting data, to assess the feasibility of the main study, and to detect potential difficulties in conducting research. The pilot study was conducted with total 108 participants while the main study included 191 participants. The teaching strategy with WBLM was applied in the experimental groups in the chemistry classroom (EG2) and as homework, in addition to the usual teacher-centered approach (EG1). The control group (CG) was taught in the usual way (teacher-centered approach). The results reflect the impact of the chosen strategy with WBLM. This strategy showed potential when applied in the classroom since EG2 students scored higher on the tests of knowledge than the students in EG1 and CG and possessed lower number of misconceptions. Scientific contribution of the doctoral dissertation in the field of didactics of chemistry teaching is in determining the potential contributions of e-learning for a more proper understanding of chemical concepts.

Keywords:macroscopic observations

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