
Analiza vplivov na gradnjo stanovanj po lokalnih skupnostih v Republiki Sloveniji v obdobju 2007–2016 : magistrsko delo
ID Jordan, Maja (Author), ID Šubic-Kovač, Maruška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Starček, Simon (Comentor)

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V magistrskem delu smo obravnavali dejavnike vpliva na gradnjo stanovanj v Sloveniji. Pri tem smo izvedli primerjalno analizo dejavnikov vpliva na gradnjo stanovanj na Poljskem v obdobju 2007–2016, in sicer na ravni lokalnih skupnostih in upravnih enot. Hipoteza naloge je bila, da je gradnja stanovanj v Sloveniji, merjeno glede na število dokončanih stanovanj na 1.000 prebivalcev, skupno površino dokončanih stanovanj na prebivalca, število dokončanih novih stanovanj na 1.000 prebivalcev in glede na število dovoljenj za gradnjo novih stanovanjskih stavb na 1.000 prebivalcev, na obeh obravnavanih administrativnih ravneh odvisna od njenega gospodarskega in družbenega okolja. Vpliv desetih dejavnikov, povzetih po raziskavi Cellmerja in Jasińskega (2016), smo za Slovenijo na obeh obravnavanih administrativnih ravneh preverjali s pomočjo štirih panelnih regresijskih modelov. Rezultati panelne regresijske analize so pokazali, da obstajajo razlike med Slovenijo in Poljsko glede statistične značilnosti vpliva obravnavanih dejavnikov na gradnjo stanovanj v obravnavanem obdobju. Raziskava je potrdila tudi razlike vpliva obravnavanih dejavnikov na gradnjo stanovanj glede na administrativno raven obravnave. Z raziskavo smo potrdili, da je v Sloveniji v obdobju 2007–2016, opazovano na ravni lokalnih skupnosti, na gradnjo stanovanj statistično značilno vplival delež delovno aktivne populacije glede na celotno populacijo, skupni davčni prihodki občine na prebivalca in povprečna mesečna bruto plača. Opazovano na ravni upravnih enot pa so na gradnjo stanovanj statistično značilno vplivali: delež delovno aktivne populacije glede na celotno populacijo, gostota prebivalstva in skupni davčni prihodki na prebivalca.

Keywords:stanovanjska gradnja, ekonomski dejavniki, družbeni dejavniki, panelni podatki
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[M. Jordan]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105486 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8623457 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.12.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of impacts on housing construction by municipalities in the Republic of Slovenia in the period 2007–2016 : master thesis
In the master's thesis we discussed the factors influencing the housing construction in Slovenia. In this regard, we conducted a comparative analysis of the factors affecting the housing construction in Poland in the period 2007–2016 at the level of municipalities and administrative units. The hypothesis was that the housing construction in Slovenia, measured by the completed dwelling units per 1.000 population, the total floor area of completed dwelling units per person, the completed new residential buildings per 1.000 population and the construction permits for new residential buildings per 1.000 population, at both administrative levels under consideration, depends on its economic and social environment. The influence of the ten factors summarized by the Cellmer and Jasiński (2016) research was examined for Slovenia at both administrative levels under consideration using four panel regression models. The results of the panel regression analysis showed that there are differences between Slovenia and Poland regarding the statistical characteristics of the impact of the factors considered on the housing construction during the analyzed period. The research also confirmed the differences in the impact of the factors under consideration on the housing construction according to the administrative level of treatment. The research confirmed that in Slovenia in the period 2007–2016, observed at the level of municipalities, the share of mobile working age population in total population, commune budget income per inhabitant and average gross monthly remuneration was significantly affected by the housing construction. Observed at the level of administrative units, the housing construction was statistically significantly influenced by: the share of mobile working age population in total population, population density and commune budget income per inhabitant.

Keywords:housing, economic factors, social factors, panel data

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