
Izdelava računalniškega programa za napovedovanje potrebne toplote za dogrevanje zraka v mehanskem prezračevalnem sistemu
ID Vrteva, Ljupka (Author), ID Stritih, Uroš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Butala, Vincenc (Comentor)

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V magistrski nalogi obravnavamo izdelavo računalniškega programa za napovedovanje potrebne toplote za dogrevanje zraka v mehanskem prezračevalnem sistemu. Prikazan je postopek izdelave računalniškega programa, ki temelji na urnem spreminjanju temperature zunanjega zraka in urniku obratovanja prezračevalne naprave. Pri izdelavi programa smo upoštevali zahteve relativnih tehničnih predpisov in standardov notranjega okolja. Na izbranem mehanskem prezračevalnem sistemu smo opravili meritve in izmerili parametre, ki vplivajo na potrebno toploto za dogrevanje vtočnega zraka. Na podlagi meritev in izračunanih rezultatov potrebne dodatne toplote smo naredili validacijo prototipa računalniškega programa ter numerično in grafično prikazali razloge za morebitna odstopanja. Ugotovili smo, kateri parametri vplivajo na potrebno toploto za dogrevanje zraka v mehanskem prezračevalnem sistemu ter kako zagotavljamo toplotno ugodje v prostoru s čim manjšo rabo energije.

Keywords:mehansko prezračevanje, meritve v realnem okolju, računalniški program, validacija računalniškega programa, dogrevanje vtočnega zraka, napovedovanje dodatne potrebne toplote
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105483 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.12.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Creating a computer program for forecasting the necessary heat for air reheating in a mechanical ventilation system
The master thesis deals with the development of a computer program for forecasting the necessary heat for the reheating of the air in a mechanical ventilation system. We showed the process of the creation of a computer program, based on the hourly variation of outdoor air temperature, and the operating schedule of the mechanical ventilation device. In the process of creating the computer program, the requirements of the relative technical regulations and standards of the internal environment were taken into account. We performed measurements of all the parameters that had an effect on the required heat for the reheating of the inlet air on the selected mechanical ventilation system. On the basis of the measurements and the calculated results of the required heat for the reheating of inlet air, we validated the prototype of the computer program, and numerically and graphically illustrated the reasons for possible deviations. We have also determined which parameters affect the necessary heat for the reheating of the air in the mechanical ventilation system, and how can we ensure thermal comfort in a room with the lowest possible use of energy.

Keywords:mechanical ventilation, measurements in the real environment, computer program, validation of the computer program, reheationg of inlet air, forecasting the necessary heat for the reheating of the air

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