
Značilnosti vojnega novinarstva in neenakost med spoloma
ID Velkavrh, Taja (Author), ID Amon Prodnik, Jernej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Novinarstvo, ki na terenu zahteva določeno mero pazljivosti in je pri tem lahko ogrožena tudi varnost novinarja, se imenuje vojno novinarstvo. Za to delo je treba biti ustrezno usposobljen in na kraju dogajanja sprejemati hitre odločitve. Novinar ima za delo priskrbljeno ustrezno opremo, vendar za svojo varnost lahko najbolje poskrbi sam. Pri opravljanju svojega dela se vojni novinarji in novinarke srečujejo s težavami, kot so finančna kriza, posledično slaba plača, prekarizacija dela. Kljub temu bo vojno novinarstvo v prihodnje še živelo, saj je vojn vedno več in ne vedno manj. Tematika, ki sem se je dotaknila v magistrskem delu, se nanaša na položaj žensk v tej zvrsti novinarstva. Glavni problem ni maskulinizacija poklica, temveč neenaka obravnava žensk in moških. V preteklosti je poklic veljal za moško delo, danes je žensk veliko. Kljub temu da je bilo delo nekoč moško, so se že v preteklosti pojavljale znane in uspešne ženske vojne novinarke. Za položaj so se morale dokazovati in delati veliko več kot moški novinarji. Do teh ugotovitev sem prišla tudi s pomočjo intervjuvanja znanih slovenskih vojnih poročevalk in poročevalcev. Ženske so torej prisotne, vendar ima njihova kariera dve poti: ali se ženska odloči za materinstvo in se osredotoči na otroka, varnost in posledično manj poročanja z nevarnih območij, druga pot pa prikazuje osredotočenost na kariero, s katero se odpove vlogi matere.

Keywords:Vojno novinarstvo, finančna kriza, prekarizacija dela, neenakost med spoloma, položaj žensk.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105473 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:35991389 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.12.2018
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Title:Characteristics of military journalism and inequality between genders
Journalism, which requires a certain degree of caution in the field, and journalists safety may also be jeopardized, is called military journalism. For this work, it is necessary to be properly trained and take quick decisions at the place of the event. The journalist has the necessary equipment for work, but they can make the best care for their safety by themselves. When performing at work, war journalists face problems such as the financial crisis, consequently low salary, precarious work. Nevertheless, military journalism will continue to exist in the future, as wars are increasing and not reducing. The topic, which I touched during my master's thesis, relates to the position of women in this genre of journalism. The main problem is not the masculinization of the profession, but the unequal treatment of women and men. In the past, the profession was considered as a male job. Despite the fact that the work was once for men in the past, well-known and successful women's war reporters appeared. They had to prove themselves for the situation and do much more than male journalists. I came to these findings through the interaction of well-known Slovenian war reporters. Women are therefore present, but their career has two paths. They choose maternity and focus on the child, security and, consequently, less reporting from dangerous areas. The second path shows focus on a career that gives up the role of a mother.

Keywords:Military journalism, financial crisis, precarious work, gender inequality, women's position.

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