
Tehnike in omejitve prenosa električne energije z izmenično napetostjo
ID SMREKAR, SIMON (Author), ID Mihalič, Rafael (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi smo obravnavali sodobne trende prenosa električne energije in povečanja prenosnih zmogljivosti v elektroenergetskih omrežjih. V prvem delu naloge je predstavljena teorija vodov. Poznana je sicer že več kot sto let, vendar jo v delu obravnavamo zaradi celovitosti vsebine. Izpostavljene so tudi nekatere omejitve prenosa el. energije z obstoječimi tehnologijami, ki pomembno vplivajo na delovanje EES. Nadalje obravnavamo princip paralelne in serijske kompenzacije vodov ter njun vpliv na razmere v EES za nekatere tipične obratovalne točke EES in za različne karakterje impedance prenosne proge. V nadaljevanju so opisani trendi v močnostni elektroniki, ki omogočajo razvoj t.i. naprav FACTS, potem pa še same naprave iz obratovalnega stališča EES. Pri vsaki napravi podajamo osnovni fizikalni princip delovanja, njen vpliv na prenosno karakteristiko in možnosti uporabe naprave za uravnavanje razmer v EES, pri nekaterih pa še kakšne druge posebnosti. Na koncu so predstavljene nekatere možnosti in reševanja problemov obratovanja EES z napravami FACTS.

Keywords:teorija vodov, paralelna kompenzacija, serijska kompenzacija, naprave FACTS
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105467 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.11.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Techniques and limitations of alternating current power transmission
This master's degree thesis addresses the modern trends about electrical power transmission and the increase of the transfer capacities of electricity grids. In the first part of the thesis, the theory of transmission lines is presented. It has been known for over a century, but we still consider it because of the integrity of the content. Some restraints about the transmission of electrical energy are also highlighted, which have a huge impact on the electricity grid. Furthermore, we consider the principle of shunt and series compensation and their impact in the conditions in the grid for some typical operation points and for the different characters of the transmission line impedance. Then the trends in power electronics are presented, that allow the development of so-called FACTS devices and their operating point of view. For each device, we give the basic physical principle of operation, its influence on the transmission characteristics and the applications of the device to control conditions in the system. Possibly some other interesting features are also presented. Finally, some options and solutions to the operational problems of the system with FACTS devices are presented.

Keywords:transmission line theory, shunt compensation, series compensation, FACTS devices

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