
Model tržne optimizacije obratovanja enot soproizvodnje toplote in električne energije
ID GOSTINČAR, GREGOR (Author), ID Gubina, Andrej Ferdo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Artač, Gašper (Comentor)

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V sistem dobave toplote in električne energije se vpeljujejo novi različni sistemi in tehnologije proizvodnje električne energije in toplote. Novi sistemi prinašajo večje izkoristke in manjše profile emisij oddanih v okolje. Nove metode pridobivanja energije in spremembe na trgu z energenti prisilijo upravljalce energije v bolj premišljeno vodenje delovanja vseh elementov v sistemu. Sistemi lahko vsebujejo kogeneracije, električne in plinske kotle ter odjemalce električne energije in toplote. Pri delovanju mora sistem vodenja vseh elementov upoštevati omejitve v delovanju elementov, kot so največja in najmanjša dovoljena moč delovanja ter hitrost in število prižigov in izklopov elementov. Obravnavana optimizacija vodenja elementov v energetskem sistemu je tržno naravnana in motivirana z najmanjšim stroškom proizvodnje in največjo prodajo v določenem obdobju. Pri stroških se upošteva variabilne in fiksne stroške obratovanja. Variabilni stroški so odvisni predvsem od vrste goriva in izkoristka pretvorbe energije goriva. Fiksni stroški so povezani s tehnologijo in starostjo naprave, saj vsebujejo stroške rednega vzdrževanja. Pri prodaji se upošteva prodajo koristne energije, ki jo sistem proizvede in proda v omrežje, in podporo delovanja elektrarn, ki proizvajajo energijo z visoko učinkovitostjo na okolju bolj prijazen način. Za pomoč pri vodenju sistema uporabimo matematični model, ki z linearno enačbo opiše tržne razmere vseh enot v sistemu. Omejitve in ostale specifikacije opiše s sistemom linearnih enačb in neenačb, ki omejijo prostor iskanja optimalne rešitve tako, da je rešitev izvedljiva v realnem sistemu. Za rešitev modela uporabimo metodo linearnega programiranja simpleks z orodjem CPLEX. Delovanje modela smo preverili na letnih podatkih v Sloveniji iz leta 2016 na katerih vidimo, da lahko z uspešno napovedjo cen energentov v določenem časovnem obdobju učinkovito napovemo optimalno delovanje vseh enot v sistemu, ki vsebuje naprave SPTE.

Keywords:model delovanja SPTE, tržna optimizacija, linearno programiranje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105408 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.11.2018
GOSTINČAR, GREGOR, 2018, Model tržne optimizacije obratovanja enot soproizvodnje toplote in električne energije [online]. Master’s thesis. [Accessed 16 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Market-based optimization model of combined heat and power operation
Implementations of various technologies of power stations that produce heat and power with high efficiency and reduced emissions profile in district heating system and high volatility of energy markets force energy managers to further optimize their production system. Energy managers can manage multiple CHPs, electric and gas boilers in district heating system and electricity market. Energy Management System must consider all restrictions and limits in all elements of the system, like maximum and minimum power of operation, gradient of change in power and number of turn on and turn offs. Discussed energy management system in energy distribution system is market oriented and motivated with minimal production cost and maximal sales in determined time window. Costs consist of variable and fixed operating cost. Variable costs are mostly fuel dependent. Fixed costs are related to technology and age of production unit. They mostly consist of regular unit maintenance. Sales consist of all useful sold energy to the system and operating support that comes with high efficiency of CHP unit. Energy management optimization tool is described with mathematical model with linear equation that describes system’s market conditions. Limits and other unit specifications are described with system of linear equations and inequations. System of linear equations and inequations limits feasible operating region and ensures viability of optimal result. Model is solved with linear programming method simplex with CPLEX tool. Model is validated on yearly market data in Slovenia in year 2016. Validation shows that model of system with CHPs and other heat production units can accurately cover optimal conditions in system with use of accurate market forecasts or historical data.

Keywords:CHP model, market optimization, linear programming

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