
Projektiranje delno prefabriciranih armiranobetonskih stropnih plošč s polnili : magistrsko delo
ID Domadenik, Žiga (Author), ID Lopatič, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi sem prikazal postopek projektiranja medetažnih prefabriciranih armiranobetonskih plošč z EPS polnili. Gre za delno prefabricirane ploskovne elemente, ki so nosilni v obeh smereh ter imajo že vgrajeno vzdolžno spodnjo armaturo. EPS polnila služijo kot slepi opaž na mestih kjer je beton slabo izkoriščen in deluje predvsem kot balast. Tovrstni elementi omogočajo hitro napredovanje del, saj ploskovni opažni elementi sploh niso potrebni, ker prefabricirani elementi prevzamejo vlogo. Dimenzioniranje medetažne plošče sem izvedel na dejanskem primeru kletne etaže objekta Kondominij Belle vie Tivoli v Ljubljani, ki ga je gradilo podjetje Kolektor Koling d.o.o. v letih 2017/2018. Za primerjavo sem dimenzioniral še klasična polna betonska plošča v debelini 26 centimetrov, ki je sama po sebi nekoliko težja in zahteva nekaj več materiala, vendar tehnologija za gradnjo predstavlja manjši strošek. Za oba primera sem izdelal armaturne načrte ter izvlečke armature, ki bi omogočali dejansko izvedbo na gradbišču. Na podlagi potrebnih količin materialov sem na koncu izvedel še analizo in primerjavo stroškov medetažne betonske plošče velikosti 1087 kvadratnih metrov, pri različnih izvedbah.

Keywords:CSI Safe 2016, montažne armiranobetonske plošče, Omnia, Trigon, Kondominij Belle vie Tivoli, prefabricirane plošče, Kolektor Koling d.o.o., votle plošče, plošče s polnili
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[Ž. Domadenik]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105405 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8619617 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.11.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Design of partial precast reinforced concrete slabs with fillers : master thesis
In my master's thesis, I showed the process of designing partial precast concrete filler slabs. These are two-way slabs and have a main lower rebar already installed. EPS fillings serve as lost filler blocks in tension zones, where concrete is poorly used and acts primarily as dead load. These precast concrete slabs shorten construction time since formwork is no longer needed at all because the precast elements act as formwork. I designed these partial precast reinforced concrete slabs based on an actual case of flat slab construction used in building Kondominij Belle vie Tivoli in Ljubljana, which was built by Kolektor Koling d.o.o. in the years of 2017/2018. For comparison, I also designed a classical concrete flat slab in thickness of 26 centimeters, which is somewhat heavier and requires a little more material, but the technology for its construction uses much less financial resources. For both cases, I made reinforcement construction plans and reinforcement extracts that could be used on the construction site. Based on the required quantities of materials, I analyzed and compared the cost of both designs of a 1087 square meter concrete slab.

Keywords:Concrete slab design, CSI Safe 2016, precast slab, filler slab, Kondominij Belle vie Tivoli, Kolektor Koling d.o.o.

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