
Uporaba multimedije za kakovostno geografsko in sociološko izobraževanje
ID Jurkošek, Katarina (Author), ID Resnik Planinc, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Židan, Alojzija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: AE58539B2C6E49D62D199847D97D6524

V 21. stoletju smo priča vse večji zahtevi po demokratizaciji izobraževanja ter modernizaciji pouka in učenja z uvajanjem sodobnih izobraževalnih tehnologij. S tem se vzpostavlja tudi nov odnos med posameznikom in svetom, ki mu narekuje izobraževanje in učenje. Multimedijska pismenost je posledica ekspanzije informacijske tehnologije. S hitrim razvojem novih tehnologij se je izobraževanje znašlo pred novimi izzivi, ki zahtevajo spremembo celotnega sistema izobraževanja. Pred vzpostavitvijo celovitega sistema kakovostne uporabe multimedije pri pouku je nujno potrebno zagotoviti tehnično podporo vsem šolam po Sloveniji. Pri tem se je potrebno osredotočati na razvijanje digitalnih kompetenc pedagoških delavcev. Ti se največkrat poslužujejo uporabe multimedije z željo po večji motivaciji, sistematičnosti in nazornosti pouka. Ustrezno vključevanje multimedije v pouk zahteva stalno sistematično in strokovno kakovostno izobraževanje vseh kadrov na vzgojno-izobraževalnem področju. Analize raziskav kažejo, da multimedija kakovostno vpliva na podajanje in usvajanje novega znanja, vendar se je potrebno zavedati tudi njenih pomanjkljivosti. Ekspanzija multimedije ni povzročila zgolj vala sprememb in prilagoditev v izobraževalnem procesu in družbi, ampak je posegla na človekovo najglobljo življenjsko raven – na osebnost. Spremenila je temeljne vrednotne in življenjske usmeritve ter izoblikovala nove vzorce vsakdanjega delovanja, norme in vrednote t. i. »digitalnih domorodcev«.

Keywords:multimedija, IKT, novodobni učeči se, digitalna kompetenca, digitalna demenca
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105376 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.11.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Use of Multimedia for Higher Quality of Geography and Sociology Education
The 21st century witnesses a higher demand of democratisation within education together with the modernisation of classes as well as learning with the introduction of modern educational technologies. In this way a new relationship between an individual and the world arises which leads an individual into learning and educating oneself further. Multimedia literacy is the consequence of the expansion of information technology. Due to the fast development of new technologies, education faces new challenges which demand the change of the entire educational system. Before establishing the system of use of multimedia for higher quality education it is necessary to provide the technical support to all schools in Slovenia. With that, the focus needs to be placed on developing digital competences of pedagogical workers. The latter use multimedia in order to make classes more motivating, systematic and demonstrative. The appropriate inclusion of multimedia into classes requires constant systematic and professional quality education of all personnel within the educational area. Research analyses show that multimedia affect the passing on and acquiring of new knowledge in a quality way, however, we need to be aware of their shortcomings. The expansion of multimedia has not only caused huge changes and adjustments within the educational process and society, but has also interfered with man’s deepest life level- one’s personality. It has changed the fundamental values and life orientation as well as designed new patterns of everyday functioning, norms and values of the so-called digital natives.

Keywords:multimedia, ICT, new era learning individual, digital competence, digital dementia

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