
Stiska posameznika v neoliberalizmu : analiza neoliberalne ideologije v literaturi za samopomoč
ID Šutar, Ana (Author), ID Razpotnik, Špela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo raziskuje in analizira povezanost neoliberalne ideologije in njeno vpetost v družbo v relaciji s posameznikom. V teoretičnem delu opredeli neoliberalizem kot ideološki in političnoekonomski koncept, ki posameznika omeji na potrošnika, nato pa prek zgodovinskega poteka neoliberalizma bralcu predstavi, kako je neoliberalizem zavzel položaj statusa quo tako v družbi kot tudi v mišljenju posameznikov. Izhajajoč iz Foucaultovega koncepta vladnosti se delo osredotoča na povezanost med tehnologijami oblasti in tehnologijami sebstva, pri čemer prek raziskovanja konceptov individualizacije, subjektifikacije in samoaktualizacije oriše posameznika, na katerega pade breme učinkov neoliberalizma. Ob bok neoliberalizmu postavi samopomoč in samopomočno literaturo, ki stisko ljudi nagovorita in v zameno za plačilo ponudita univerzalen recept, ki pa prezre kakršne koli družbene neenakosti ter posamezniku zatrjuje, da je on tisti, ki se mora spremeniti. Z analizo dveh priročnikov za samopomoč, Skrivnost avtorice Rhonde Byrne in Življenje je tvoje avtorice Louise L. Hay, delo predstavi, kako vladnost preide k subjektu in kako so imperativi neoliberalizma (svoboda, izbira in lastna odgovornost) obenem temelji samopomoči, ki tudi družbene težave vidi zgolj kot posledico nedelovanja oziroma nepravega delovanja in nepravega mišljenja posameznika, in z zastiranjem resničnosti ohranja družbeni status quo, posameznika pa vidi kot tistega, ki je sam odgovoren za vse, pri čemer pa samopomoč stisko, tesnobo in krivdo, ki naj bi jih domnevno skušala odpraviti, pravzaprav ustvarja oziroma poglablja.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105353 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12205385 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.12.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Personal distress in neoliberalism
The Master's Thesis explores and analyzes connection between neoliberal ideology and its integration into society in relation to an individual. In the theoretical part, neoliberalism is defined as an ideological and political-economic concept that limits an individual to a consumer, and then through the historical course of neo-liberalism, it is explained to the reader how neoliberalism has occupied the status quo both in society and in the opinion of individuals. Deriving from Foucault’s concept of governmentality, the work focuses on the connection between technologies of government and technologies of the self, whereby, through the exploration of the concepts of individualization, subjectivity and self-actualization, it outlines the individual to which the burden of neoliberalism falls. On the side of neoliberalism, it sets self-help and self-help literature, which speaks of people's distress and, in exchange for payment, offers a universal recipe that ignores any social inequalities, but reminds the individual that he/she is the one who has to change. Through the analysis of two self-help manuals, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne and You can heal your life by Louise L. Hay, the work illustrates how the government passes to the subject and how the imperatives of neoliberalism (freedom, choice and own responsibility) are at the same time cornerstone for self-help, which also sees social problems only as a consequence of the inaction or malfeasance of the individual, and with the obscurity of reality preserves the social status quo, and sees the individual as the one who is responsible for all, while self-help actually creates or deepens feeling of distress, anxiety and guilt, that it allegedly attempts to eliminate.


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