
Vzroki za glasovne motnje pri starostnikih
ID Hrovat, Nina (Author), ID Hočevar Boltežar, Irena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kogovšek, Damjana (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5463/ This link opens in a new window

Glasovne motnje lahko prizadenejo tako starejšo populacijo kot tudi mlajšo. Razlogov zanje je več in so predstavljeni v prvem delu teoretičnih izhodišč. Opisan je tudi nastanek glasu, vzroki za hripavost ter načini ocenjevanja in ugotavljanja glasovnih motenj. Podrobneje je predstavljen potek požiranja, sodelujoči organi ter najpogostejše motnje požiranja in njihovo ugotavljanje, saj so le te ključnega pomena za raziskavo. Ker se magistrsko delo osredotoča na glasovne motnje starostnikov, posebej v povezavi z motnjami požiranja, je v drugem delu teoretičnih izhodišč predstavljena pogostost glasovnih motenj ter motenj požiranja med omenjeno populacijo. Raziskava bo skušala ugotoviti incidenco glasovnih motenj med starostniki iz doma upokojencev ter najti povezavo med glasovnimi motnjami in morebitnimi sočasno prisotnimi drugimi motnjami zgornjega aerodigestivnega trakta (motnjami požiranja) ter boleznimi starostnika. V empiričnem delu sem anketirala 50 starostnikov, ki živijo v domski oskrbi, s pomočjo prirejenega Vprašalnika o glasovnih težavah (Voice Handicap Index 10 - VHI-10) in tako pridobila podatke o oviranosti starostnikov zaradi njihovih glasov. Za ugotavljanje pogostnost motenj požiranja in nato iskanja povezave med njimi in hripavostjo je bil uporabljen prirejeni presejalni test o motnjah požiranja Eating Assessment Tool - EAT-10. Podatki o drugih dejavnikih, ki lahko vplivajo na kvaliteto glasu, so bili pridobljeni s posebej pripravljenim vprašalnikom o prisotnosti bolezni dihalnega aparata, artikulatornih, glasotvornih in resonančnih organov ter slušnega aparata. Pri starostnikih je bila med spontanim govorom ocenjena kakovost glasu z GIRBAS lestvico, pa tudi ustreznost višine in glasnosti govora. Izmerjen je bil maksimalni fonacijski čas vokala /i/ ter izračunano razmerje dolžine fonacije zvenečega soglasnika /z/ proti nezvenečemu soglasniku /s/. Iskali smo možne dejavnike, ki vplivajo na pojav glasovnih motenj pri starostnikih v domski oskrbi. Za ugotavljanje pogostnosti pojavljanja glasovnih motenj in bolezni organskih sistemov pri starostnikih v domski oskrbi je bila uporabljena opisna statistika, predstavljena v tabelah in s tortnimi diagrami. Pri nadaljnji analizi podatkov so bili uporabljeni t-test, neparametrični Mann Whiteny U test in hi-kvadrat test. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da se glasovne motnje pojavljajo pri večini starostnikov v domski oskrbi, vendar se teh motenj ne zavedajo oziroma jim njihov glas ne predstavlja ovire. Povezanost med motnjami požiranja in glasovnimi motnjami ter med nevrološkimi boleznimi in glasovnimi motnjami ni bila dokazana. Starostniki so do svojega glasu in resnosti težav pri organskih boleznih relativno nekritični, medtem ko je klinična ocena glasu s strani spraševalca prinesla bistveno nižje rezultate glede kakovosti glasu. Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov je v sklepnem delu magistrskega dela poudarjen pomen zavedanja o lastnem glasu, ozaveščanje o glasovnih motnjah, vplivu glasu na življenje ter smisel logopedskega poklica v domu za upokojence.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105351 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12205897 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.12.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Causes for voice disorders among elderly people
Voice disorders can handicap old and young population. There are many different causes that should be considered with this disorder and they are presented in the first part of the theoretical basis. The appearance of a voice, causes for hoarseness and how to evaluate and identify voice disorders are also described. The course of swallowing, participating organs, most common eating disorders and the assessment of eating disorders are of key importance for the research, so they are presented thoroughly. Master's thesis is focused on voice disorders among elderly people, especially in connection with eating disorders. Therefore, in the second part of the theoretical basis, the frequency of voice and eating disorders are presented. The aim of this study is to find out the incidence of voice disorders among elderly people living in a retirement home and to determine if there is a link between voice disorders and other potential upper aero-digestive tract disorders (swallowing disorders), and other illnesses of elderly people. In the empirical part, 50 elderly people from the retirement home were questioned using an accustomed survey (Voice Handicap Index 10 (VHI-10)) and the data about their feelings of voice impairment were therefore collected. For evaluation of swallowing disorders, the Eating Assessment Tool 10 (EAT-10) was used. A connection between swallowing disorders and hoarseness was also tested. The data about other factors that might influence the quality of voice were also collected with a customized survey in which they were questioned about presence of respiratory tract disorders, impaired vocal tract, hearing, speech apparatus and resonant organs disorders. During questionnaire their spontaneous speech was assessed using GIRBAS scale. We also assessed the quality and suitability of voice pitch and loudness. The maximum phonation time of the vowel /i/ was measured and proportion between phonation time of resonant consonant /s/ and unresonant consonant /z/ was calculated. All the possible factors, that can cause voice disorders among elderly people in a retirement home were sought. To determine the prevalence of voice disorders and organs systems diseases among elderly people in a retirement home, descriptive statistics was used and the data were presented in tables and with graphs. For other data analysis t-test, Mann Whitney U test and Chi square test were used. It was found out, that voice disorders are very common among elderly people in a retirement home, but they are not aware of them and their voice does not cause any handicap in their lives. No links between swallowing and voice disorders and between neurological impairments and voice disorders were found in this study. The elderly people are uncritical to their voice and the severity of the problems of organic system diseases, while the clinical assessment of the voice by the interviewer has yielded significantly lower results regarding the voice quality. On the basis of the obtained results, the concluding part of the master's thesis emphasizes the importance of awareness of our own voice, voice disorders and the impact of the voice on life of elderly people in a retirement home. It also emphasized the importance of the speech therapist profession at a retirement home.


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