
Odpravljanje neenakosti med spoloma na osnovnih šolah v Gambiji
ID Zgonec, Sanja (Author), ID Gaber, Slavko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Tašner, Veronika (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5443/ This link opens in a new window

Gambija je najmanjša država Afrike, ki se srečuje z različnimi težavami, med katerimi velja izpostaviti nepismenost, neizobraženost, revščino, diskriminacijo žensk ipd. Pristojne organizacije že delujejo v smeri odpravljanja le-teh, vsekakor pa še niso izkoreninjene. Pomembno je tudi dejstvo, da je bila Gambija izpostavljena večkratni islamizaciji, zaradi česar je danes večina prebivalstva muslimanske veroizpovedi. Nezanemarljivo je tudi dejstvo, da je bila do konca leta 2016 vodena s strani predsednika Yahye Jammeha, ki mu očitajo nemalo kršitev osnovnih pravic, med njimi tudi aretacije in usmrtitve, ki niso bile v skladu z zakonom. Po drugi strani pa je bil ravno omenjeni predsednik tisti, ki je napravil velike korake v smeri enakosti med spoloma na področju osnovnošolskega izobraževanja. Sama sem se osredotočila predvsem na problematiko deklic, in sicer v kontekstu izobraževanja. V Gambiji se izvaja posebno izobraževanje učiteljic, ki bi deklice na podeželju spodbujale in usmerjale na njihovi poti izobraževanja ter jim predstavljale pozitiven zgled. Kljub omenjenemu izobraževanju nekateri učenci/učenke še vedno niso deležni izobraževanja s strani strokovno usposobljenega kadra. Kakšna je izobrazba učiteljev/učiteljic, njihov odnos do učencev/učenk, odnos med samimi učenci in učenkami so bile ključne oporne točke raziskave, s katero sem želela doprinesti dodatne uvide v področje odpravljanja razlik med spoloma, na primeru lokalnih šol v Gambiji. Izbira teme magistrskega dela izhaja iz izkušnje bivanja in dela v Gambiji. Kot prostovoljka sem se udeležila dveh mesečnih taborov in tako pobližje spoznala kulturo, religijo, moralna prepričanja, šolstvo in življenje Gambijcev nasploh. Večino svojega časa sem preživela v osnovnih šolah, kjer sem imela priložnost raziskovati področje spolne diskriminacije, ki je v afriških državah, vključno z Gambijo, še vedno prisotna.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105313 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12191305 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.12.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Reducing gender inequalities in primary schools of Gambia
Gambia is the smallest country in Africa and it is facing various problems, including illiteracy, non-education, poverty, discrimination against women, etc. Competent organizations are already working towards eliminating them, but they have not yet been eradicated. It is also important that Gambia was exposed to repetitive islamization, which today makes the dominant religion of the population. It is also noteworthy that until the end of 2016, Gambia was led by president Yahya Jammeh, who was criticized for violating basic rights, including arrests and executions that were not in accordance with the law. On the other hand, this president was the one who made great strides towards gender equality in the field of elementary education. Primarily I focused on the problem of girls in the context of education. In Gambia, there is a special teacher education that encourages and directs girls in the countryside on their educational paths and presents them a positive example. Despite this education, some students still do not receive education by professionally trained personnel. What is the education of teachers, their attitude towards students, the relationship between girl students and boy students were the supporting points of the research, with which I wanted to contribute additional insights into the field of eliminating gender differences, in the case of local schools in Gambia. The choice of a master's thesis theme stems from the experience of living and working in Gambia. As a volunteer, I attended two monthly camps and got closer to learning about culture, religion, moral beliefs, education and the life of Gambians in general. I spent most of my time in elementary schools where I had the opportunity to explore the field of sexual discrimination that is still present in African countries, including Gambia.


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