
Zasnova odprtih površin zaporniškega kompleksa v Sostrem
ID Marn, Nika (Author), ID Matjašec, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tematika magistrske naloge izhaja iz vprašanja o učinkovitosti zavodov za prestajanje kazni zapora. Različne prakse delovanja socialnih prevzgojnih institucij, so na začetku naloge predstavljene v širšem družbenem kontekstu. Pojma kriminalitete in punitivnosti sta razložena skozi zgodovino kazenskih politik in njihovo spreminjanje glede na družbene ureditve ter refleksijo sodobnih ureditev v zaporniških institucijah. V nalogi je razložen princip učinkovitosti delovanja zapora kot socialne institucije, katere namen je resocializacija zapornikov, da se po prestajanju kazni uspešno reintegrirajo v družbo. Življenski prostor zapornikov je v času prestajanja kazni izredno omejen, zaradi česar se zaporniki na različne načine čustveno navežejo nanj. Zaznavanje faktorjev, ki pozitivno vplivajo na vedenjske vzorce zapornikov omogoča razumevanje kompleksnega delovanja totalnih institucij, posebej v navezavi na prostor. Naloga predstavlja ugotovitve raziskav o vplivu različnih aspektov zaporniškega prostora na pojavnost stresa in z njim povezanih vedenjskih vzorcev, ki se jih upošteva pri izpeljavi smernic načrtovanja odprtih površin zapora. Sestavine zasnove odprtih površin s terapevtskim pristopom oblikovanja poudarjajo spreminjanje časa, možnost soodločanja zapornikov o skupnem prostoru, omogočanje produktivnosti, fizične aktivnosti in območje odmika. Praktični del naloge se ukvarja z dvema tipološko različnima rešitvama in ju primerjalno vrednoti.

Keywords:Zapori, Sostro, atriji, terapevtski vrt, odprte površine
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[N. Marn]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105299 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:9106553 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.11.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Open spaces design of prison complex in Sostro
The subject matter of the master thesis emerges from the question of effectiveness in correctional facilities. Different practices in the functioning of social institutions are presented at the beginning of the thesis in a broader social context. The concepts of criminality and punctuality are explained through the history of criminal policies with their alteration concerning social arrangements and the reflection of contemporary regimes in prison institutions. The task explains the principle of the effectiveness of the prison as a social institution, which aims to resocialize prisoners, encouraging them to successfully reintegrate into society after the serving the sentence. The living habitat of prisoners is spatially limited, which makes the prisoners emotionally attached to it. Detection of the influential factors to behavioral patterns of prisoners allows the understanding of complex functioning of total institutions, specially regarding to the environment. Thesis recap the findings of researches done on the impact of various environmental aspects on the incidence of stress and associated behavioral patterns, which is taken into account when implementing the guidelines and designing prison's open spaces. The components of therapeutic approach to it emphasize the changing time cycles, the possibility to codeciding about the common space, enabling productivity, physical activity and isolation. Practical part of the thesis is considering two typologically different solutions and is comparatively evaluating them.

Keywords:Prisons, Sostro, courtyards, therapeutic garden, open spaces

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