
Seznanjenost pacientov Zdravstvenega doma Dubrovnik s škodljivostjo rentgenskega sevanja : magistrsko delo
ID Krečak, Anita (Author), ID Hlebec, Valentina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Babarović, Vesna (Comentor)

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Uvod: Z odkritjem X-sevanja se je rentgensko sevanje začelo uporabljati v medicini, znanosti in industriji. Zdravniki so kmalu po odkritju začeli z uporabo rentgenskih žarkov na pacientih, da bi lahko raziskovali okostje in druge organe človeškega telesa in se posledično tudi prvi soočili z negativnimi posledicami sevanja na človekovo zdravje. RTG- preiskava je sicer nujna diagnostična preiskava za različne vrste bolezni, ki naj bi zdravnikom omogočila, da postavijo čim bolj natančno diagnozo, od katere je odvisen tudi uspeh zdravljenja. Vendar ima vsak pacient pravico biti seznanjen s tem, kaj mu zdravnik predpiše in kakšne učinke ima preiskava na njegovo zdravje. Znanstveno je dokazano, da že manjše količine ionizirajočega sevanja škodljivo vplivajo na človekovo zdravje, če gredo večkrat skozi telo, zatorej so zdravniki o vseh teh tveganjih dolžni informirati vsakega svojega pacienta. Namen: Želeli smo raziskati, kakšna je seznanjenost pacientov s škodljivostjo rentgenskega sevanja, v sklopu tega pa ugotoviti, ali se pacienti bojijo posledic RTG-sevanja na lastno zdravje ter ali starost pacienta vpliva na njegovo seznanjenost s škodljivostjo RTG-sevanja. Metode: V teoretičnem delu smo uporabili metodo kompilacije, ki temelji na uporabi domače in tuje literature, izpiskov, citatov in navedb drugih avtorjev ter predstavilja osrednji raziskovalni problem. Magistrsko delo tako temelji na analizi sekundarnih podatkov, pri čemer smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo, s katero smo opisovali in interpretirali najpomembnejše pojme s preučevanega področja. Za raziskovalni del smo uporabili kvantitativno metodo, anketni vprašalnik, pridobljene podatke smo obdelali z računalniškim programom SPSS. Anketni vprašalnik je bil zaprtega tipa in priložnostni zaporedni vzorec je zajemal 250 pacientov Zdravstvenega doma Dubrovnik. Rezultati: Splošna seznanjenost pacientov s škodljivostjo RTG-sevanja je dobra. Pacienti so seznanjeni s tem, da RTG-sevanje škoduje njihovemu zdravju, kljub temu pa se ne bojijo posledic sevanja na njihovo zdravje. Nekoliko manj so seznanjeni s podrobnejšimi informacijami, kot so priporočljiva oz. mejna števila opravljenih tovrstnih preiskav na letni ravni, vpliv sevanja na krajšanje življenjske dobe ipd., kar kaže nekoliko drugačno sliko; slabo oz. zgolj površno seznanjenost s škodljivostjo RTG-sevanja. Razprava in zaključek: Seznanjenost s škodljivostjo RTG-sevanja je površna, zato je priporočljivo spodbujanje medicinskega osebja k večji informiranosti svojih pacientov ter uporabi sodobnejših tehnik, ki bi zmanjšale škodljivost tovrstnih preiskav.

Keywords:RTG-sevanje, seznanjenost pacientov, škodljivost sevanja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105265 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5540203 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.11.2018
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Secondary language

Title:The knowledge of Dubrovnik health centre's patients about harmfulness of rtg radiation : master's thesis
Introduction: X radiation became useful in medicine, science and industry soon after it was discovered. Doctors used X-rays as a tool for determining the state of their patients. They used it to study the skeleton and organs of the human body. They were consequently the first to face the negative influences of radiation on human health. RTG investigation is a necessary diagnostic test for various types of illnesses. With its help, doctors should be allowed to set up the diagnosis as accurately as possible, while the success of treatment depends on it as well. Every patient has the right to be aware of what the doctor prescribes for them and what effects the examination has on their health. It has been scientifically proven that even small amounts of ionizing radiation have an adverse effect on human health if they go several times through the body. Doctors are therefore obliged to inform each of their patients about such possible negative consequences. Purpose: We wanted to explore what the level of knowledge with patients regarding the harmfulness of X-ray radiation. is In this context, we aimed to determine whether patients are afraid of the consequences of RTG radiation on their own health and whether the age of the patient influences the knowledge of the harmfulness of RTG radiation. Methods: For formation of the theoretical work we used a compilation method based on the use of domestic and foreign literature, extracts, quotations and statements by other authors to present the central research problem. The master's thesis is based on the analysis of secondary data. We have used a descriptive method to describe and interpret the most important concepts from the study area. For the research part we used a quantitative method and a survey questionnaire. The obtained data was processed with the SPSS computer program. The questionnaire was a closed type survey; the convenience consecutive sample covered 250 patients at the Dubrovnik Health Center. Results: The general knowledge about the harmfulness of RTG- radiation with the patients interviewed is good. They are aware that RTG radiation damages their health; nevertheless they do not fear the effects of radiation on their health. The surveyed people were somewhat less familiar with the more detailed information, such as recommended or limit values of such investigations carried out on an annual basis, the impact of radiation on shortening life expectancy, etc., which shows a slightly different picture; superficial familiarity with the harmfulness of RTG radiation. Discussion and conclusion: The awareness of the harmfulness of RTG radiation is superficial, therefore it is advisable for medical staff to increase the awareness among their patients and for the institutions to use more modern techniques with the help of which the harmfulness of such investigations would be reduced.

Keywords:RTG-radiation, patient awareness, harmfulness of radiation

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