
Množična prometna nesreča kot stresni dogodek za zdravstvenega reševalca : diplomsko delo
ID Bartol, Robert (Author), ID Thaler, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Zdravstveni reševalci nekatere delovne naloge oziroma situacije doživljajo bolj stresno kot druge. Množična nesreča kot nenaden, nepričakovan dogodek z večjim številom poškodovanih ali nenadno obolelih, ki ga ne moremo obvladati z rednimi oziroma v trenutku nesreče razpoložljivimi zmogljivostmi, predstavlja reševalcu izjemno specifično delovno okolje. Zato lahko na podlagi analiz večjih prometnih nesreč, ki so bile opredeljene kot množične nesreče, trdimo, da ima vsaka množična prometna nezgoda poleg osnovne značilnosti množične nesreče za zdravstvenega reševalca tudi več elementov posebno stresnega kriznega dogodka . Namen: Diplomsko delo predstavi zakonitosti množične nesreče in stresa v medsebojni interakciji ter vpliv na zdravstvenega reševalca, ki aktivno opravlja vlogo na več različnih delovnih mestih - deloviščih. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu je uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela. Diplomsko delo je teoretično in temelji na analizi tuje in domače literature ob uporabi tako znanstvene kot strokovne literature. Razprava in sklep: Reševanje množične prometne nesreče načeloma poteka po sprejetih smernicah za take dogodke. Največkrat pa je treba pravila reševanja prilagoditi razmeram na terenu. Situacija, v kateri se zdravstveni reševalec naenkrat sooči z velikim številom hudo poškodovanih in mrtvih in ki od njega terja tudi veliko improvizacije, mu povzroča travmatski stres kot odziv na hudo stresni dogodek. Odziv in vpliv teh dogodkov na zdravstvenega reševalca je odvisen od več dejavnikov: izobraževanje, splošna psihofizična kondicija, uporaba razbremenilnih metod in tehnik po končani intervenciji.

Keywords:stres, doživljanje, analiza dogodka, izobraževanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105238 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5535083 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.11.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Mass casualty traffic accident as a stress event for the first medical responder : diploma work
Introduction: Health rescuers experience some of their work tasks or situations more stressful than others. A massive disaster as a sudden, unexpected event with a greater number of injured or abnormally diseased people that can not be cope with regular or at the moment of disaster available capacities presents an exceptionally specific working environment for the rescuer. Therefore, on the basis of several analyzes of major traffic accidents, which were defined as mass disasters, we can easily assert that every mass traffic accident has, in addition to the basic characteristics of a massive disaster, also several elements of a particular stressful crisis event for the health care provider himself. Purpose: This work will present the laws of mass disaster and stress in interaction with each other, as well as the impact on the health care provider who actively plays a role in several different workplaces - workshops. Methods: In this work is used a descriptive method. The thesis is theoretical and it is based on the analysis of foreign and domestic literature using both scientific and professional literature. Discussion and conclusion: Resolving a massive traffic accident is in principle followed by the guidelines adopted for such events. Most often, we have to adapt the rules of rescue to the situation on the ground. The mere fact that a healthcare provider meets with a large number of seriously injured and dead, and a lot of improvisation causes traumatic stress in response to a severe stressful event. The response and the impact of these events on a health care provider depends on several factors: education, general psychophysical condition, use of excrement methods and techniques after the intervention is finished.

Keywords:stress, experiencing, analysis of the event, education

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