
Kako organizacijska klima vpliva na delovni proces in okolje v organizaciji X
ID Karas, Sara (Author), ID Ignjatović, Miroljub (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Vsaka organizacija se trudi zaposliti najboljši kader na svojem področje delovanja, celoten kader namreč na koncu vpliva na uspešnost same organizacije. Želijo si motiviranih, zadovoljnih, uspešnih, iznajdljivih posameznikov, ki jih usmerjajo k doseganju želenih ciljev. Za uspešno vodenje zaposlenih pa je potrebno tudi ustrezno vodstvo, ki zna svoje zaposlene usmerjati, jim svetovati in pomagati. V diplomski nalogi bom raziskovala vpliv organizacijske klime na delovni proces in okolje v organizaciji X. Zanima me, kako organizacijsko klimo zaznavajo zaposleni. Ker je v organizacijah zelo pomembno sodelovanje med zaposlenimi, je treba vzpostavljati in ohranjati dobre odnose, ker vsi ti dejavniki vplivajo na učinkovitost določene organizacije. V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge so predstavljeni relevantni pojmi za obravnavo tematike, v empiričnem delu je opisana kvalitativna analiza raziskave v organizaciji X, cilj pa je primerjati rezultate s teoretičnimi izhodišči in na koncu podati predloge za ohranjanje, izboljšanje organizacijske klime.

Keywords:organizacijska klima, odnosi v organizaciji, motiviranje zaposlenih, uspešnost organizacije.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105208 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:36002397 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.11.2018
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Secondary language

Title:How does organisational climate influence the working process and environment in organisation X
Every organisation tries to hire the best staff possible for their operational scope, because it is the entire staff that has an effect on the success of an organisation. They wish to employ motivated, happy, successful, and resourceful individuals that can help the organisation reach its objectives. Proper management is necessary for successfully leading the employees, for example, the kind of management that knows how to direct, advise and help its employees when needed. For this diploma assignment, I will research the influence of an organisational climate on the working process and environment in organisation X. I am also interested in observing how the employees experience organisational climate. Cooperation between employees is very important in any organisation, which is why it is necessary to establish and maintain good relations since all these factors influence the efficiency of an organisation. In the theoretical part of this paper, the relevant concepts for the observed topic are defined. The empirical part includes a qualitative analysis of the research that was carried out in organisation X. The aim is to compare the obtained results with theoretical starting points and provide suggestions for preservation and the improvement of their organisational climate.

Keywords:organisational climate, relations in an organisation, motivation of employees, success of an organisation.

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