
Varna obravnava pacientov z akutno zastrupitvijo z alkoholom v nujni medicinski pomoči : diplomsko delo
ID Borjančič, Andreja (Author), ID Prestor, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: V Sloveniji ljudje prevečkrat posežejo po alkoholu zgolj za zabavo in sprostitev. Pogosto se to zgodi zaradi pomanjkanja znanja o varnem in odgovornem ravnanju z alkoholom. Stik v urgentni dejavnosti z akutno zastrupitvijo z alkoholom je skoraj vsakodneven. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je s pomočjo pregleda literature predstaviti znake, po katerih se prepozna zastrupljenca, prve ukrepe nujne medicinske pomoči v primeru zastrupitve z alkoholom, vlogo medicinskih sester pri zastrupitvi in morebitne smernice, po katerih deluje nujna medicinska pomoč. Metode dela: Obdobje iskanja literature je potekalo od marca 2017 do aprila 2018. Znanstvene in strokovne članke smo iskali v podatkovni bazi MEDLINE (PubNet) in CINAHL with full text. Literatura je bila iskana tudi preko svetovnega spleta, kjer smo uporabili iskalnik Google učenjak in s pomočjo bibliografske - kataložne baze podatkov slovenskih knjižnic COBIB.SI. Vključili smo 33 enot literature. Rezultati: Znaki, ki kažejo na zastrupitev z alkoholom, so oslabljena zavest, močan vonj po alkoholu, pordel in poten obraz, močan srčni utrip, globoko dihanje in motnje zavesti. S pravilnimi ukrepi in njihovim zaporedjem reševalci na mestu zastrupitve zmanjšajo smrtnost, trajne posledice ali vsaj skrajšajo čas zdravljenja v bolnišnici. Najpomembneje je, da zagotovijo in vzdržujejo osnovne življenjske funkcije. Medicinske sestre se med izvajanjem zdravstvene nege trudijo pridobiti pacientovo zaupanje in vzpostaviti partnerski odnos. Zelo pomembno je, da v svoje delo vključijo zdravstveno vzgojo in pacienta motivirajo k opustitvi škodljivega pitja alkohola. Smernice, ki bi se zgolj dotikale postopkov pri akutni zastrupitvi ni, zato se reševalci največkrat poslužijo dobre klinične prakse. Razprava in zaključek: Alkohol je postal razširjena droga, ki jo družba zelo dobro tolerira. Kljub posledicam škodljivega pitja se ljudje ne zavedajo, kakšno škodo lahko le-ta povzroči. Zato je potrebno, da se posameznike ozavešča o odgovornosti in zavedanju posledic pitja alkohola. Pomembno je, da ljudje prosti čas preživijo aktivno s prijatelji, otroki, družino, da se posvetijo drug drugemu ter pozabijo na alkohol.

Keywords:zastrupitev z alkoholom, nujna medicinska pomoč, prva pomoč, odvisnost, smernice
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105191 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5531755 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.11.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Safe treatment of patients with acute alcohol poisoning in emergency medical care : diploma work
Introduction: In Slovenia, people too often use alcohol for entertainment and relaxation. This is often due to the lack of knowledge about safe and responsible alcohol handling. In emergency activity, the contact with acute alcohol intoxication is almost on a daily basis. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma thesis is to present the signs through which the poisoner is identified, the first measures of urgent medical assistance in case of alcohol poisoning, the role of nurses in poisoning and possible guidelines for emergency medical assistance. Methods: The literature search period went on from March 2017 to April 2018. Scientific and professional articles were searched in the MEDLINE database (PubNet) and CINAHL with full text. Literature was also searched via the World Wide Web, where we used the Google Scholar search engine and with the help of the bibliographic - catalogue database of Slovenian libraries COBIB.SI. We included 33 units of literature. Results: Signs that indicate alcohol poisoning are a weakened consciousness, a strong smell of alcohol, a reddened and sweaty face, a strong heartbeat, deep breathing, and disturbances in consciousness. By correct measures and their sequence at the site of poisoning, the paramedics reduce mortality, permanent consequences, or at least shorten the time spent on treatment in the hospital. Most importantly, they provide and maintain basic life functions. During nursing, nurses strive to gain patient's trust and establish a partnership relationship. It is very important to include health education in their work and motivate the patient to drop harmful alcohol consumption. There are no guidelines that merely touch the procedures for acute poisoning, so rescue workers often serve good clinical practices. Discussion and conclusion: Alcohol has become a widespread drug, which is tolerated very well by society. Despite the consequences of harmful drinking, people are unaware of the harm that alcohol can cause. It is therefore necessary for individuals to be aware of the responsibility and awareness of the consequences of drinking alcohol. It is important for people to spend leisure time actively with friends, children, family, to devote themselves to each other and forget about alcohol.

Keywords:alcohol poisoning, emergency medical service, first aid, dependence, guidelines

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