
Hlajenje energetskega transformatorja z vodnim hladilnim sistemom
ID Polak, Matej (Author), ID Mori, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi smo raziskovali hlajenje transformatorja z vodnim hladilnim sistemom. Pravilno dimenzioniran hladilni sistem je zagotovilo za dolgo in nemoteno obratovanje transformatorja. Predstavili smo problematiko dimenzioniranja hladilnega sistema, opisali generacijo izgub v transformatorju ter načine odvajanja toplote v okolico. V programskem okolju Trnsys smo postavili numerični eksperiment, kjer smo pokazali delovanje hladilnega sistema s krmilnikom, za uspešen odvod toplotnih izgub v transformatorju. Pravilno delovanje eksperimenta smo potrdili z rezultati meritev testa segrevanja na izbranem izdelanem energetskem transformatorju. Izkaže se, da numerični model dobro popisuje dinamiko delovanja hladilnega sistema, saj se rezultati ujemajo. V nadaljevanju smo z numeričnim modelom simulirali obratovanje transformatorja pri dinamičnih pogojih obratovanja skozi daljše časovno obdobje in pri tem analizirali obnašanje hladilnega sistema. S pomočjo analize smo podali tudi predloge za nadgradnjo in modifikacijo numeričnega eksperimenta.

Keywords:energetski transformatorji, vodni hladilni sistemi, program trnsys, numerični eksperimenti, eksperimenti, testi segrevanja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105156 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.10.2018
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Title:Power transformer cooling with water cooling system
In the master's thesis, the cooling of the transformer with a water cooling system was studied. Properly dimensioned cooling system is a guarantee for the long and smooth operation of the transformer. We presented the problem of the dimensioning of the cooling system, described the heat generation in the transformer, and the methods of heat transfer of these losses into the environment. With Trnsys software we set up a numerical experiment, where we modeled the operation of the cooling system with the control function that is needed for the successful transfer of heat losses from the transformer. Numerical model was validated with the results of heat run test measurements on the selected power transformer. It turns out that the numerical model predicts the operation of the cooling system well. In addition the operation of the transformer in real dynamic conditions was simulated and cooling system analyzed. With the use of the results we provided suggestions for further improvements and upgrading of numerical experiment.

Keywords:power transformers, water cooling systems, program trnsys, numerical experiments, experimental validations, heat run tests

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