
Nosečnost po 35. letu : diplomsko delo
ID Bubnič, Špela (Author), ID Mivšek, Ana Polona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: V Sloveniji je družbeni trend naravnan na odločitev za materinstvo v kasnejšem življenjskem obdobju. Razlogov, ki vodijo do materinstva po 35. letu starosti, je več in se velikokrat med seboj prepletajo. Nosečnost po 35. letu starosti ima prednosti in medicinska tveganja. Nosečnice po 35. letu starosti imajo na voljo brezplačen prenatalni presejalni test, po 37. letu starosti pa brezplačno kariotipizacijo. Vloga diplomirane babice pri starejših nosečnicah je, da jim nudi podporo na informacijski, instrumentalni in psihični ravni. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti nosečnost po 35. letu starosti, in sicer njene prednosti in medicinska tveganja, razloge za poznejše materinstvo, prenatalne presejalne teste ter vlogo babice pri starejših nosečnicah. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu je bila v prvem delu uporabljena deskriptivna metoda, s katero smo kritično predstavili pregled literature. V drugem delu je bila uporabljena deskriptivna kavzalno-neeksperimentalna metoda empiričnega raziskovanja. Raziskovalni instrument, s katerim smo pridobili odgovore, je bil spletni anketni vprašalnik. Anketa je bila zaupna in anonimna. Vzorec ankete so predstavljale ženske, ki so imele prvo nosečnost po 35. letu starosti. Rezultati: Rezultati so pokazali, da so bile naše anketiranke visoko izobražene; 76,22 % jih je bilo z dodiplomsko ali podiplomsko izobrazbo. Spontano jih je zanosilo kar 81,56 %, pa vendar so imele težave pri zanositvi, saj so zanosile v dveh, treh ali več letih po nezaščitenih spolnih odnosih. V kar 50,79 % ženske niso imele nobenih medicinskih tveganj ali bolezni v času nosečnosti. Vloga babice v nosečnosti po 35. letu se zdi zelo pomembna kar 46,41 % anketirank. Razprava: Rezultati naše raziskave in izsledki pregleda literature so si enotni v tem, da so nosečnice po 35. letu starosti po večini visoko izobražene, da imajo težave z zanositvijo, da je vloga babice pri takšnih nosečnicah pomembna ter da so bolje zdravstveno informirane o nosečnosti. Literatura navaja številna tveganja in zaplete poznejših nosečnosti ter težave pri spontanih zanositvah, česar glede na rezultate naše raziskave ne moramo potrditi. Zaključek: Glede na to, da v Sloveniji narašča povprečna starost mater ob rojstvu prvega otroka, bi bilo smiselno, da bi se že v obdobju mladostnikov med zdravstveno vzgojo posvetili tudi morebitnim tveganjem in zapletom, ki pridejo s poznejšim materinstvom. Bolj bi se morali posvetiti reproduktivnemu zdravju ter ukrepom ohranjanja rodnosti.

Keywords:babištvo, prednosti poznega materinstva, medicinska tveganja, presejalni testi, vloga babice
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105140 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5521259 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.10.2018
BUBNIČ, Špela, 2018, Nosečnost po 35. letu : diplomsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Pregnancy after age 35 : diploma thesis
Introduction: In Slovenia, the social trend goes towards the decision for maternity at a later stage of life. Reasons leading to maternity after the age of 35 are many and are often interlaced with each other. Pregnancy after the age of 35 has advantages and medical risks. Pregnant women older than 35 get a free prenatal test, and a free karyotyping test after the age of 37. The role of a graduate midwife is to provide support to older pregnant women at the information, instrumental and psychological levels. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to present pregnancy after the age of 35, its advantages and medical risks, reasons for later maternity, prenatal tests and the role of midwife at helping older pregnant women. Methods of work: We used descriptive method in the first part of the diploma thesis, with which we critically presented the literature findings. In the second part we used a descriptive causal and non-experimental method of empirical research. We obtained the answers using an online poll. The poll was confidential and anonymous and we got the results from women who had their first pregnancy after the age of 35. Results: The results showed that 76,22% of our respondents were highly educated with at least undergraduate or postgraduate education, while 81,56% of them became pregnant spontaneously, although they had difficulties and only became pregnant after two, three or several years of unprotected sex. 50,79% of women did not have any medical risks or illness during pregnancy. As many as 71,15% of respondents were receiving information during pregnancy. The role of midwife in pregnancy after the age of 35 is important to 46,41% of the respondents. Discussion: The results of our research and the literature review have shown that pregnant women after the age of 35 are mostly highly educated, they have difficulties getting pregnant, the role of midwife is important to them and that they are better health informed about later-in-life pregnancy. The literature outlines a number of medical risks, complications, and problems in spontaneous conception which we could not confirm with our research. Conclusion: Giving the fact that in Slovenia, the average age of first time mothers is increasing, it would make sense to present potential risks and complications that come with later-in-life maternity during health education of adolescents.We should get better focus on reproductive health and take some steps in preservation of fertility.

Keywords:midwifery, advantages of late motherhood, medical risks, prenatal tests, role of the midwife

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