
Gravimetrične meritve ob različnih vodostajih Cerkniškega jezera : magistrsko delo
ID Korošec, Marjeta (Author), ID Kuhar, Miran (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu predstavljamo rezultate petih relativnih gravimetričnih izmer, katere smo izvedli med marcem 2016 in septembrom 2017 v času različnih vodostajev Cerkniškega jezera. Opisujemo rezultate in ugotovitve vpliva višine vodostaja jezera na spremembo absolutnega težnega pospeška ter posledično tudi vpliv spremembe težnega pospeška na normalne višine točk, na katerih smo izvedli relativno gravimetrično izmero. Vpliv višine vodostaja povežemo z volumnov vode v posamezni gravimetrični izmeri. Pri terenskem delu smo uporabili RTK metodo (ang. Real Time Kinematic) izmere GNSS (ang. Global Navigation Satellite System), ki nam je služila za določitev približnega položaja točk ob jezeru in kasneje za zakoličbo le-teh. Prvi del magistrske naloge se nanaša na teoretični opis gravimetrične izmere in RTK metode izmere GNSS, kateremu sledi opis praktičnega dela. Tu izpostavimo težave, ki nastanejo zaradi nenavadnega obnašanja gravimetra med gravimetrično izmero. Cilj magistrskega dela je ovrednotenje vpliva količine vode na spremembo absolutnega težnega pospeška med posameznimi izmerami. V zaključnem delu podajamo predloge za nadgradnjo naloge v prihodnosti.

Keywords:Relativna gravimetrična izmera, težni pospešek, normalne višine, volumen, vodostaj
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[M. Korošec]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105130 This link opens in a new window
UDC:528.241(497.4Cerkniško jezero)(043.3)
COBISS.SI-ID:8594017 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.10.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Gravity Measurements at the Different Water Levels of Lake Cerknica : master thesis
In the master's thesis we present the results of five relative gravimetric measurements, conducted between March 2016 and September 2017 during the various watercourses of Cerknica Lake. We describe the results and findings of the influence of the lake's water level variations on the changes of gravity and, consequently, the effect of the changes in gravity to the normal height of the points on which we carried out a relative gravimetric measurement. The influence of the water level variations is related to the water mass in individual gravimetric measurements. In field work, RTK-measurement method (Real Time Kinematic) of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) was used to determine the approximate point positioning along the lake and later for setting-out them. The first part of the master's thesis relates to a theoretical description of the gravimetric survey and the RTK-measurement method of GNSS, followed by a description of the practical part. Here we highlight the problems that arise from the unusual behavior of the gravimeter The aim of the master's thesis is to evaluate the influence of the quantity of water on the change of gravity between individual measurements.In the final part we present proposals for upgrading the task in the future.

Keywords:Relative gravity measurement, gravity acceleration, normal height, volume, the water level

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