
Razvoj vrtečega vmesnika za merjenje kolesnih obremenitev
ID Zakotnik, Gašper (Author), ID Nagode, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šeruga, Domen (Comentor)

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V sodobnem svetu je tako kot na vseh področjih tudi v strojništvu zelo pomembna optimizacija izdelkov in storitev. Ta se nanaša tako na proizvodno stran, kjer se stremi k optimizaciji stroškov tekom konstrukcijsko razvojnega procesa in izdelave, kot tudi na stran trga, kjer je izdelek konkurenčen zgolj ob dobrih lastnostih uporabnosti in trajnosti. Velik del obeh področij, iz katerih izhajajo pogoji za trenutno optimalen izdelek, je odvisen od okolja delovanja izdelka in s tem obremenitve, ki jih skozi življenjsko dobo prenaša. Za bolj optimiziran izdelek torej potrebujemo bolj natančne podatke o obremenitvah, ki jih bo deležen, te pa v največji meri dosežemo z meritvami v realnem okolju ob uporabi zaznaval. Boljša meritev pomeni manj predpostavk in zanemarjanja, kar je bilo vodilo za raziskavo in razvoj vrtečega vmesnika, ki meri obremenitve na kolo vozila. Glede na obstoječe znanje na tem področju in dostopno opremo smo razvili vmesnik, ki z merilnimi lističi meri sile v vseh smereh koordinatnega sistema in momente okrog njih. Zaznavalo smo skonstruirali in mu določili vse potrebne komponente za njegovo delovanje. Merilni del smo nato trdnostno vrednotili in preverili pravilnost opravljenih meritev preko analiz s končnimi elementi.

Keywords:obratovalna trdnost, zgodovina obremenitve, snovanje zaznavala, pesto vozila, merilni lističi, analiza s končnimi elementi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105117 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.10.2018
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Title:Development of the rotating sensor for measuring wheel load
In modern times, the optimization of services and products in mechanical engineering is just as important as in other fields. This applies to production, which strives for optimization of costs during the research and development process and creation, and to marketing, where the competitiveness of the product depends on its features, usefulness and durability. A big part of both fields, from which conditions for an optimal product stem from, depend on the working environment of the product and the stress it endures throughout its use. It is clear that the more optimised product requires very precise data about the levels of strain that will affect the product during its use. This data can be gathered with measuring in real environment with the use of sensors. Better measurements mean less assumptions and negligence, which was the principle for analysing and developing a rotating sensor, which measures wheel load of the vehicle. Considering our pre-existing knowledge in this field and available equipment, we developed a sensor, which measures forces in all directions of the coordinate system and moments around them. It does so with the use of strain gauges. We designed the sensor and determined all components needed for its viability. Using the finite element method we made the analyses, which evaluated the measuring part for strength and checked the accuracy of measurements.

Keywords:operational strength, load series, sensor designing, wheel hub, strain gauges, finite element analysis

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