
Primerjava hidroponskega in akvaponskega gojenja solate (Lactuca sativa L.)
ID Čarni, Mateja (Author), ID Žnidarčič, Dragan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Poskus je potekal od 25. februarja do 30. junija 2016, v raziskovalnem rastlinjaku (steklenjaku) in plastenjaku na laboratorijskem polju Biotehniške fakultete v Ljubljani (nadmorski višini 305 m; φ = 46° 3′ 23″; λ = 14° 30′ 29″), z namenom primerjati uspešnost gojenja solate na dveh »vodnih sistemih«, in sicer akva- in hidroponiki. Za primerjavo smo solato gojili tudi na klasičen način, in sicer v tleh. Tri sorte solate ('Comice', 'Noisette' in 'Maritima') smo gojili na plavajočem sistemu, na akvaponskem sistemu in v tleh. Najprej smo semena posejali v setvene plošče in ko so imele sadike razvite od 3 do 4 prave liste, smo jih presadili v mrežaste lončke s premerom 4 cm. 35 dni po setvi smo lončke s sadikami razporedili v luknje na stiropornih ploščah, ki smo jih nato položili v dva bazena, ki sta predstavljala plavajoči sistem. V prvem bazenu smo za hranilno raztopino uporabili vodovodno vodo in jo pripravili po Rechevi recepturi, v drugem bazenu pa je akvaponsko raztopino predstavljala cisterna z ribami. Poskus je bil zasnovan v treh ponovitvah, posamezno ponovitev je predstavljalo po šest rastlin. Rastline smo med rastno dobo oskrbovali po priporočilih iz strokovne in znanstvene literature. Tehnološko zrele rastline smo sortirali. Določili smo morfometrične (višina, širina rozete, dolžina in sveža masa korenin, ter premer koreninskega vratu) in biokemične lastnosti rastlin (vsebnost nitratnega dušika, antioksidacijskega potenciala, C-vitamina, ter vsebnost skupnih fenolov), indeks okuženosti, delež zračne sušine v listih in koreninah ter pridelek. Poskus je pokazal, da obstajajo razlike med načini gojenja rastlin, ponekod pa so se pokazale razlike tudi med sortami. Izmed vseh parametrov, ki smo jih izmerili, je najboljše rezultate pokazala solata, ki je bila vzgojena na hidroponskem sistemu, najslabše pa solata gojena v akvaponskem sistemu.

Keywords:vrtnarstvo, solata, hidroponika, akvaponika, pridelek, karpometrične lastnosti, biokemične lastnosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[M. Čarni]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105082 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:141796099 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.10.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) grown using aquaponic vs. hydroponic methods
From February 25 to July 30, 2016, an experiment was carried out at the research glasshouse and greenhouse on the Laboratory field of Biotechnical Faculty in Ljubljana. The experiment was conducted for the purpose of comparing lettuce production in aquaponic and hydroponic systems. Lettuce was grown in soil as well. Three types of lettuce (Comice, Noisette and Maritima) were grown by using floating system, aquaponic system and soil. First, the seeds were sown in plug trays, and when they had three to four true leaves, they were transplanted in net pots with a diameter of 4 cm. 35 days after the sowing, the net pots were put into perforated polystyrene panels which were then put in two pools. In the first pool, tap water, which was prepared by following Resh’s guidelines, was used for the nutrient solution. In the second pool, a fish tank generated an aquaponic solution. The experiment was repeated three times, and in each repetition, there were six plants. During their growing period, the plants were provided for according to the technical and scientific recommendations. Technologically mature plants were then sorted. The morphometric properties of the plants (their height, length of rosette, fresh root length and weight, and root collar diameter) and biochemical properties (nitric nitrogen-, C-vitamin-, antioxidant potential- and phenol content) were determined. Moreover, the contamination factor, the percentage of dry matter in leaves and roots, and the product’s weight in grams were determined as well. The experiment showed that there are differences between all three methods used, and that there are also differences between the lettuce types. The parameters showed that the best results of lettuce production were achieved by using the hydroponic system and the least good by using the aquaponic system.

Keywords:vegetable growing, lettuce, aquaponics, hydroponics, yield carpometric properties, biochemical properties

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