
Analiza in uporaba biokompozitnih filamentov za 3D tisk
ID Ropret, Maruša (Author), ID Muck, Deja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Gabrijelčič Tomc, Helena (Comentor)

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Tehnologija 3D-tiska bliskovito napreduje in se širi na mnoga področja naših življenj. Obstaja ogromno različnih tehnologij 3D-tiska in materialov, ki jih lahko uporabljamo. Vedno višje cene surovin, težnje po trajnostnem razvoju in skrbi za okolje pa povečujejo potrebo po uporabi naravnih obnovljivih materialov, zato se tudi pri 3D-tisku že uporabljajo biokompozitni materiali. V magistrskem delu so bili biokompozitni materiali na osnovi polilaktične kisline (krajše PLA; angl. Polilactic acid) v kombinaciji z vlakni lesa in industrijske konoplje primerjani s čistim PLA in z nekomercialnimi filamenti z dodatki nanofibrilirane celuloze (krajše NFC; angl. nanofibrillated celulose), lignina in polimeriziranega lignina. Izdelani vzorci filamentov in preizkušancev so bili zajeti z vrstično elektronsko (krajše SEM; angl. scanning electron microscopy) in optično mikroskopijo ter testirani na odpornost olja, vode, detergenta, drgnjenja, svetlobe in temperature. Pri tisku so se nekomercialni filamenti izkazali za težavnejše, preizkušanci pa za manj obstojne od komercialnih na vse dejavnike razen na olje (dobri rezultati pri filamentu z dodatkom NFC). Rezultati so pokazali, da so objekti, natisnjeni s PLA filamentom, obstojni na vodo, detergente in svetlobo, paziti je treba le pri močnejših mehanskih delovanjih in izpostavljenosti virom toplote, saj ta lahko spremeni njihovo obliko in barvo že pri 80 °C. Objekti, natisnjeni z lesnim filamentom, pogosto povzročajo težave pri tisku. Objekti so lahko uporabljeni v vsakdanjem življenju, a ne smejo biti izpostavljeni močnim mehanskim delovanjem, dolgotrajnejši močni svetlobi in višjim temperaturam, saj vidno spremenijo barvo, pri višjih temperaturah pa izgubijo tudi svojo trdnost in postanejo mehki. Filament z dodatkom konopljinih vlaken ne povzroča težav pri tisku in z njim lahko natisnemo objekte, ki imajo temen videz polakiranega lesa. So zelo dobro obstojni na vodo in detergent, malo manj na olja. Fizično so objekti trdni in obstojni na drgnjenje ter izpostavljanje svetlobi. Zelo slabo pa prenašajo višje temperature, zato niso uporabni v bližini toplotnih virov, saj izgubijo svojo trdnost in se lomijo.

Keywords:biokompozitni filamenti, lesni filamenti, nanofibrilirana celuloza, PLA, 3D-tisk
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-105021 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.10.2018
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Title:Analysis and use of biocomposite filaments for 3D printing
3D printing is rapidly evolving and spreading to many areas of our everyday lives. There are many different 3D printing technologies and materials that can be used. The ever-increasing prices of raw materials, aspirations for sustainable development and environmental care, increase the need for the use of natural, renewable materials, which is why biocomposite materials are already being used also in 3D printing. In this master's thesis, commercial biocomposite filaments based on PLA blended with natual fibres – wood and hemp were compared to pure PLA filament and non-commercial filaments with nanofibrillated cellulose, lignin and polymerized lignin blends. Specimens of filaments and printed objects were captured with scanning electron microscopy and optical microscopy and were tested with exposure to oil, water, detergent, rubbing, light and temperature. Printing with non-commercial filaments is more challenging and the specimens were less durable that commercial ones, except tests with oil showed promising results (filament from PLA and NFC blend). The results showed that objects printed with PLA show good resistance to water, detergent and light, but show poorer resistance to mechanical forces and higher temperatures, since they can change their shape and color at 80 ° C. Specimens printed with woodfill filament were causing problems during printing. Objects printed with wood filament can be used in everyday life but should not be exposed to mechanical damage, long lasting sunlight and higher temperatures or the objects will darken and at higher temperatures even lose their strength and become soft. The filament with hemp fibers does not cause problems while printing and the objects have a dark, polished wood look, when they are printed. The objects show a good resistance to water, detergent and a little poorer resistance to oil. Physically the objects are solid and resistant to rubbing and light. They are not resistant to higher temperatures and therefore not useful near heat sources, as they tend to lose their strength and break down.

Keywords:biocomposite filaments, nanofibrillated cellulose, PLA, wood filament, 3D printing

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