
Visokofrekvenčni merilnik moči signala za območje frekvenc do 43 GHz
ID STANIČ, SIMON (Author), ID Vidmar, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cilj pričujočega dela je bila izdelava visokofrekvenčnega merilnika moči signalov, ki bo uporaben za raznovrstne meritve pri eksperimentih in vajah v laboratoriju. Poseben poudarek je bil na zmožnosti meritve smernih diagramov anten v Ku, K in Ka frekvenčnem območju ter sodobni povezljivosti za zajem merilnih podatkov. Uvodni del je namenjen posebnosti merjenja moči signalov pri visokih frekvencah, čemur sledi kratek opis najpogostejših izvedb visokofrekvenčnih merilnikov moči. Predstavljeni so principi merjenja ter prednosti kot tudi omejitve. Glavni del naloge zajema načrtovanje in izdelavo merilnika moči. Visokofrekvenčni del predstavlja senzorska glava, ki je osnovana okoli diodnega detektorskega čipa ADL6010. Opisana sta načrtovanje in izvedba sestavnih delov glave, čemur so dodane meritve njenih pomembnih parametrov. Merilna enota je zasnovana za zajem in prikaz merilnega signala z dveh senzorskih glav. Uporaba zmogljivega mikrokrmilnika LPC2138/01 omogoča digitalno obdelavo (filtriranje) merilnega signala in popravljanje odziva čipa ADL6010, s čimer je dosežena višja natančnost meritev pri nizkih nivojih jakosti merjenega visokofrekvenčnega signala. Programska koda je napisana v učinkovitem zbirniškem jeziku in med drugim omogoča selektivno detekcijo visokofrekvenčne moči signala na podlagi amplitudne modulacije, kar omogoča točnejše meritve anten v okolju z nekontroliranimi motnjami. V zaključku so predstavljene karakteristike izdelanega visokofrekvenčnega merilnika moči ter vzorčne meritve smernih diagramov in dobitkov anten v X in Ku frekvenčnem območju.

Keywords:visokofrekvenčni merilnik moči, digitalna obdelava signalov, merjenje anten, smerni diagram, detektor ovojnice signala ADL6010, mikrokrmilnik LPC2138/01
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104980 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.10.2018
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Title:High Frequency Power Meter up to 43 GHz
The goal of this Master's thesis was the design and manufacturing of a high-frequency power meter, which is useful for various antenna measurements and laboratory experiments. Special emphasis was placed on the ability to measure antenna radiation pattern diagrams up to the Ku, K and Ka frequency bands as well as capturing and interfacing the measured data for further processing. The introduction analyzes different techniques of measuring signal power at high frequencies. A brief description of the most common implementations of high-frequency power meters is included. The measurement principles and advantages as well as limitations of different techniques are presented. The main part of the thesis involves design and manufacturing of the power meter itself. The radio-frequency sensing head is based on the ADL6010 diode-detector chip as the power sensor. The latter is installed on a printed-circuit board feeding the input signal using a coplanar waveguide. The most important parameters of the input coaxial connector, coplanar waveguide, ADL6010 and additional components are carefully characterized. The interface unit is designed to capture and display the measured signal from two radio-frequency sensing heads. The LPC2138/01 32bit ARM microcontroller enables digital processing (filtering) of the measured signals and correcting the response of ADL6010 chip, thus achieving a higher measurement accuracy at low signal levels. The program code is written in assembler and, among other things, it allows selective detection of high-frequency signals based on amplitude modulation, which enables more accurate measurements of antennas in the presence of interferences in an uncontrolled environment. The final part of the thesis presents the characteristics of designed power meter. Sample measurements of radiation patterns and antenna directivities in the X and Ku frequency bands are included.

Keywords:high-frequency power meter, digital signal processing, antenna measurement, radiation pattern, ADL6010 envelope detector, LPC2138/01 microcontroller

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