
Odstop terjatve v zavarovanje
ID Bertoncelj, Janez (Author), ID Dugar, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Fiduciarna cesija je vrsta zavarovanja plačil. Razvila se je iz prakse, kasneje so jo v svojo ureditev prevzele zakonodaje posameznih držav. Zavarovanje se izvede s cesijo, ki je način za prenos terjatev. Za razliko od zastave terjatve, gre za fiduciarno zavarovanje, kjer se na upnika prenese več pravne oblasti kot je potrebno. To mu zagotavlja ugodnejši položaj, na drugi strani pa večje tveganje nosi dolžnik. Glede na namen instituta, je zakonodaja uredila primere plačilne nesposobnosti fiducianta in fiduciarja. Položaj fiduciarja je podoben položaju ločitvenega upnika, položaj fiducianta pa položaju lastnika. Poleg odstopa obstoječih terjatev je v Sloveniji dovoljen tudi odstop bodočih terjatev. Predvsem anticipiran odstop v zavarovanje ima ključno vlogo pri nepristnem factoringu, globalni fiduciarni cesiji in pri podaljšanem pridržku lastninske pravice. Pri teh oblikah nemška teorija zavzema stališče, da je zaradi različnih namenov institutov potrebno odstopiti od splošnih pravil o vrstnem redu.

Keywords:odstop terjatve v zavarovanje, fiduciarna cesija, cesija, zastavitev terjatve, fiduciar, fiduciant, neplačevitost, globalna fiduciarna cesija, upnik
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104972 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16420433 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.10.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Transfer of debt into security
Fiduciary cession of rights is a type of insurance of obligations. It has developed from a practical use and was later implemented into legislation of many countries. Debt is transferred into security by cession, which is a way of transferring claims. Unlike pledging right of a claim, transferring debt into security is a fiduciary insurance, where creditor obtains more legal authority over the object of insurance than it is necessary. That gives him a more favorable position, as opposed to debtor, who is at greater risk. Because of this imbalance, legislation regulated cases of insolvency of fiducar and fiduciary. The fiduciary's legal position is similar to a position of a creditor with the right to separate settlement, while fiduciar's is close to an owner's. In addition of transferring already existing debts into security, one can also transfers future debts. Anticipatory transfer of debts into security has a key role in factoring without recourse, in global fiduciary cession and in extended reservation of property rights. German theory takes a view, that due to various purposes of the institutes, it is necessary to have a modified rules of order.

Keywords:transfer of debt into security, fiduciary cession, cession, pledge right of a claim, fiduciary, fiduciar, insolvency, global fiduciary cession, creditor

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