
Revitalizacija demokracije v (post)neoliberalni dobi – deliberativna demokracija in sistemi
ID Recek, Marko (Author), ID Lukšič, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu smo kot izhodišče raziskovanja postavili politiko neoliberalizma, ki je kot temeljna politično-ekonomska doktrina današnjega časa, z navideznim sožitjem, a v resnici izkrivljenim razumevanjem razmerja oziroma relacije z demokracijo, v bistvu odgovorna za njen deficit in z njo vseh povezana načela in vrednote. S takšno percepcijo in razumevanjem realnosti ter znanimi primeri alternativ tej politično-ekonomski paradigmi, kot so tisti v Latinski Ameriki, smo poskušali politično ekonomijo časovno umestiti v okvire postneoliberalizma. S primeri iz prakse smo se poigrali z mislijo, da se tudi čas postneoliberalizma že izteka. Vzporedno smo v spekter našega proučevanja vključili poskuse ponovne oživitve, vnovičnega vznika demokratičnih načel in vrednot prek deliberativne demokracije in deliberativnih sistemov. S poskusom konceptualizacije smo prek njene genealogije in presečišč z ostalimi tipi demokracij postavili teoretske okvirje in iskali izzive v praksi. Zaključili smo z analizo, ali lahko deliberativna demokracija in sistemi pomenijo odgovor na neoliberalni kontinuiran boj z demokratičnimi okvirji in elementi, pa čeprav za svoje delovanje potrebuje njeno formalno vzpostavitev.

Keywords:neoliberalizem, deliberativna demokracija, deliberativni sistemi, Latinska Amerika, postneoliberalizem.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104935 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:35967581 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.10.2018
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Title:Revitalisation of democracy in a post-neoliberal era – Deliberative democracy and systems
The basis of the research in this master’s thesis is the politics of neoliberalism. As a fundamental political and economic doctrine of the current period with an apparent symbiosis with democracy (which is actually a skewed understanding of its relations), it is actually responsible for democracy’s deficit and other principles and values connected with it. With such perception and understanding of reality and known examples of alternative options to this political and economic paradigm, like those in Latin America, we tried to set the timeframe of this political economy in the concept of post-neoliberalism. Based on the examples from practice, we tested the hypothesis that post-neoliberalism’s time is running out. At the same time, our research included the attempts of reanimation and re-emergence of democratic principles and values through deliberative democracy and deliberative systems. In an attempt to conceptualise, we built a theoretical framework and looked for challenges in practice through its genealogy and common points with other types of democracy. At the end of the thesis, we also studied whether deliberative democracy and systems can be an answer to the continuous neoliberal struggle with democratic frames and elements even though they need a formal establishment to function.

Keywords:neoliberalism, deliberative democracy, deliberative systems, Latin America, post-neoliberalism

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