
Primerjava zagotavljanja prve pomoči med majhnimi in srednjimi podjetji : magistrsko delo
ID Ošlak, Anita (Author), ID Oder, Martina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Slabe, Damjan (Comentor)

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Uvod: Tveganj za nastanek nezgod oziroma poškodb pri delu ali nenadnih obolenj v delovnem okolju ni mogoče popolnoma izključiti, zato morajo delodajalci organizirati zagotavljanje prve pomoči na delovnem mestu. Zakonska določila jim nalagajo, da morajo sprejeti potrebne ukrepe, kot so določitev ustreznega števila za izvajanje prve pomoči usposobljenih delavcev, zagotoviti potreben sanitetni material in opremo, zagotoviti prost dostop do omaric za prvo pomoč in seznaniti delavce z osebami, ki so usposobljene za izvajanje prve pomoči. Namen: Primerjati obseg zagotavljanja prve pomoči med majhnimi in srednjimi podjetji, pri čemer smo ugotavljali, ali obstajajo razlike med mnenji odgovornih oseb v podjetjih v zvezi z zagotavljanjem prve pomoči na delovnem mestu, kakšno je teoretično znanje zaposlenih o prvi pomoči in kako upoštevajo normative o opremljenosti omaric za prvo pomoč. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda. Zbiranje podatkov je potekalo s pomočjo anonimnega anketnega vprašalnika za delavce, z delno strukturiranimi intervjuji z odgovornimi osebami podjetja in s pomočjo ocenjevalnega lista. Rezultati: V anketi je sodelovalo 105 delavcev iz štirih majhnih podjetij in 110 delavcev iz dveh srednjih podjetij. Vsi anketirani delavci samoocenjujejo svoje teoretično znanje kot dobro. Bistvene razlike v osnovnem teoretičnem znanju med anketiranimi v majhnih in srednjih podjetjih nismo zaznali. Intervjuvane osebe, ki so v izbranih podjetjih odgovorne za zagotavljaje prve pomoči, ocenjujejo, da njihovi delavci slabo poznajo temeljne postopke oživljanja. Odgovorne osebe v majhnih podjetjih v primerjavi z odgovornimi v srednjih podjetjih slabše poznajo zakonska določila, ki so vezana na zagotavljanje prve pomoči na delovnem mestu. Tudi rezultati analize podatkov, zbranih na terenu s pomočjo ocenjevalnega lista, kažejo, da majhna podjetja v manjšem obsegu zagotavljajo ukrepe prve pomoči na delovnem mestu. Razprava in zaključek: Tako delodajalci kot tudi zaposleni se morajo zavedati, da zagotavljanje ukrepov prve pomoči na delovnem mestu ni samo zakonska obveza, temveč je tudi moralna in etična dolžnost vsakega posameznika. Za učinkovito zagotavljanje prve pomoči v podjetju sta pomembna ustrezno znanje zaposlenih kot tudi ustrezna opremljenost. To pa tako majhna kot srednja podjetja dosegajo, če dosledno upoštevajo veljavne področne predpise.

Keywords:prva pomoč, delovno mesto, znanje, omarica za prvo pomoč, poškodbe pri delu
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104900 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5512811 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.10.2018
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Secondary language

Title:A comparison of the provision of first aid between a small and medium enterprise : master thesis
Introduction: It is impossible to fully eliminate the risk of occupational accident, injury, or illness. Employers must therefore ensure the provision of first aid at work. Legislation requires that they implement specific measures, e.g. determining the right number of employees who are qualified for administering first aid, providing the requisite sanitized equipment, ensuring unencumbered access to where first aid supplies are kept, and informing employees as to which of their co-workers are trained for first aid. Purpose: this thesis aims to compare the extent of the provision of first aid in small and medium enterprises. Research showed that companies’ responsible persons indeed had differing opinions on the provision of occupational first aid, what level of theoretical knowledge employees should have about first aid, and how to abide by the norms regulating the stock of equipment in first-aid kits. Methods: The study mainly employed the descriptive method. Data was collected through an anonymous survey for employees, partially-structured interviews with responsible persons, and trough an observation checklist. Results: the survey was answered by 105 employees across 4 small enterprises and 110 employees in 2 medium enterprises. All respondents assessed their own theoretical knowledge as good. Significant differences were not observed in the fundamental theoretical knowledge among respondents in small and medium enterprises. Respondents who were responsible for administering first aid at the selected enterprises assessed that their workers had poor knowledge of the basic procedures of resuscitation. The responsible persons at small as compared to medium enterprises have poorer knowledge of the legislative requirements regarding the provision of occupational first aid. The results of the analysis of field data from the observation checklist indicate that small enterprises provide measures for occupational first aid to a lesser extent. Discussion and conclusion: employers as well as employees must be aware that the provision of occupational first aid is not only a legislative requirement, but also the moral and ethical responsibility of each and every individual. Appropriate employee knowledge and an appropriate stock of first-aid supplies are both crucial for the proper provision of occupational first aid. Both small and medium enterprises can achieve this through faithfully abiding by relevant legislative provisions.

Keywords:first aid, working position, knowledge, first-aid kit, occupational injuries

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