
Senzorski moduli NFC in varnost podatkov
ID Črnigoj, Dean (Author), ID Trebar, Mira (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Senzorski moduli in naprave za merjenje temperature, in pogosto tudi vlage, se dandanes nahajajo že v celotni prehranski verigi. Vendar je le teh še vedno premalo, oziroma niso v zadostni meri upoštevani pri zagotavljanju nadzora kakovosti živil, kar priča tudi podatek o količini zavržene hrane, še preden ta pride do trgovskih polic. Podatki o hladni verigi pogosto niso na voljo, ali pa je dostop omejen na lokalne uporabnike zaradi nezadostne varnosti. V magistrski nalogi je predstavljena rešitev za zajem senzorskih podatkov s tehnologijo komunikacije kratkega dosega (angl. Near Field Communication, NFC) in dodatno zaščito podatkov s šifriranjem AES. Implementirali smo avtonomno izvedbo senzorskega sistema NFC (SS-NFC). Omogoča branje podatkov z mobilnim telefonom ali pa jih modul NodeMCU posreduje na spletni strežnik. Vključuje različne načine delovanja z uporabo komunikacije Wi-Fi, lokalnim shranjevanjem senzorskih meritev (`On-line', `Off-line'), šifriranjem podatkov in avtorizacijo uporabnika. SS-NFC smo analizirali s testiranjem temperature v hladni verigi in s preverjanjem senzorskih meritev temperature, vlage in svetlobe v hladilniku. S 3D tiskalnikom smo izdelali enostavno ogrodje prototipa za testiranje v realnem okolju.

Keywords:senzorski moduli, varnost, šifriranje, AES, NFC
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104849 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.10.2018
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Title:NFC sensor modules and data security
Sensor modules and devices for measuring temperature, often also moisture, are nowadays included in almost every step in the food supply chain. However, these numbers are still too small, or not sufficiently taken into account in ensuring food quality control, which is also evident by the amount of food waste before it comes to shelves. The master's thesis presents a solution for capturing sensor data with Near Field Communication (NFC) technology and additional data protection with AES encryption. We implemented an autonomous NFC sensor system (SS-NFC) for use in the cold chain. Data is readable by mobile phone or uploaded to a server using NFC reader and NodeMCU.The system provides various modes of operation using Wi-Fi communication or local storage of sensor measurements (`On-line', `Off-line'), data encryption and user authorization. SS-NFC was analysed by testing temperature in a cold chain and by evaluating the sensor measurements of temperature, humidity and light in the refrigerator. We made a simple SS-NFC prototype with 3D printer for easy testing in a real environment.

Keywords:sensor modules, security, encryption, AES, NFC

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