
Prenehanje pogodbe o zaposlitvi in njeni ključni instituti na stičišču prožnosti in varnosti
ID Štefe, Jan (Author), ID Tičar, Luka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Odnos med delavcem in delodajalcem se je od nastanka delovnega prava odločilno spremenil. Ob tem pa so, ob pojavu globalizacije in spremembah v svetovni trgovini kot posledici tehničnega napredka, številne države razvitega sveta deležne močne konkurence držav v razvoju, kjer so standardi delovnopravnega varstva nižji ali pa jih sploh ni. Delovno pravo je danes soočeno z velikim izzivom sprememb, ki morajo upoštevati tako ohranjanje ravni socialne varnosti v razvitih državah kot tudi omogočati nacionalnemu gospodarstvu, da ostane konkurenčno na globalnih trgih. Ureditev odpovedi pogodbe o zaposlitvi je eden od ključnih elementov delovnega prava, ki mora biti v luči spremenjenih okoliščin nadgrajen. Za dosego tega cilja bodo potrebna pogajanja med delodajalci, ki stremijo k pogodbeni koncepciji ureditve delovnopravnih razmerij, delavci, ki stremijo k ohranitvi načela varovanja zaposlitve, in državo, ki stremi k uravnoteženemu proračunu in ohranjanju dolgoročne vzdržnosti pravic socialne varnosti. Ob vsem tem pa se morajo vsi socialni partnerji zavedati mednarodnopravnih zavez Republike Slovenije kot tudi primerov dobrih praks drugih razvitih držav, ki so svoje delovno pravo že modernizirale.

Keywords:prožna varnost, Zakon o delovnih razmerjih, globalna konkurenca, delovno pravo, socialna varnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104764 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16382289 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.10.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Termination of the employment contract with its key elements in between flexibility & security.
The relation between employees and employers emerged a lot since the introduction of the labour law. Globalisation and easier trade between countries changed the way markets function and economies of developed countries are now facing strong competition from certain developing countries, where the standard of labour law is significantly lower or does not exist. Thus, labour law is facing challenges in addressing the new circumstances under which both social and economic rights, as well as the competitiveness of the national economy, need to be maintained. Regulation of termination of the employment agreement is one of the essential institutes which needs to be updated to reflect the new circumstances. There will be comprehensive negotiations needed between employers, aiming for a purely contractual approach, employees, aiming for the protection of their employment, and government, aiming for a balanced budget, as well as for maintaining long-term sustainable social security system. All of them need to take into consideration the international obligations of the country, as well as good practices of updating labour law standards in other developed countries.

Keywords:flexicurity, employment act, global competitiveness, labour law, social security

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