
Odsevi politike, revolucije in diktature v romanih Roberta Bolaña Oddaljena zvezda in Vladimirja Kavčiča Zapisnik : diplomsko delo
ID Škafar, Anja (Author), ID Matajc, Vanesa (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Fock, Ignac (Consultant)

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V diplomskem delu ugotavljam, na kakšen način se politika, revolucija in diktatura razkrivajo v Oddaljeni zvezdi Roberta Bolaña in Zapisniku Vladimirja Kavčiča. Oba romana sta namreč postavljena v nestabilni in nasilni obdobji zgodovine. Oddaljena zvezda je umeščena v obdobje čilskega državnega udara in vojaške diktature Augusta Pinocheta (1973-1990), nadaljuje pa se tudi v obdobje tranzicije. Na drugi strani je komisijsko zaslišanje v Zapisniku postavljeno v leto 1970, kjer pričevalci prevprašujejo dogodke in okoliščine na slovenskem ozemlju v času druge svetovne vojne in po njej. Diplomsko delo uvodoma predstavi politično-zgodovinski kontekst obeh držav, ki služi za boljše razumevanje tedanjih razmer in samih literarnih besedil. V obeh primerih je to zgodovinsko obdobje, zaznamovano z nasiljem, represijo in poboji ter izginulimi in pogrešanimi osebami. Drugo poglavje povzame vsebino romanov, njuno zgradbo in prikaže problem njune umestitve v določen žanr. Osrednji del diplomskega dela pa se osredotoča na vprašanje resnice, njeno relativnost in nedostopnost ter prevpraševanje resnic o preteklosti. Skušam ugotoviti, kako so politika, revolucija in diktatura predstavljene v obravnavanih proznih besedilih in kako se omenjeni pojmi razumejo v obeh romanih. V nadaljevanju opredeljujem (avto)fikcijske in medbesedilne elemente v Oddaljeni zvezdi in Zapisniku ter njihovo vlogo pri razumevanju romanov in nanašanju na zgodovino.

Keywords:literatura in zgodovina, slovenska književnost, latinskoameriške književnosti, čilska književnost, politika, revolucija, diktatura, diplomsko delo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Škafar]
Number of pages:50 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104605 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:67508322 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.10.2018
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Secondary language

In this thesis I investigate the way politics, revolution and dictatorship are shown in Roberto Bolaño's Distant Star (Estrella distante) and Vladimir Kavčič's The Record (Zapisnik). Both novels are situated in unstable and violent periods of history. Distant Star is situated in the period of Chile's coup d'état, Pinochet's military dictatorship (1973-1990) and continues in the period of transition, while the commission hearings in The Record take place in 1970, with the testifiers requestioning the events of World War II and its aftermath on Slovenian territory. In the first section the thesis presents the political and historical context of both countries, which serves for a better understanding of the relevant periods and helps to better understand the literary texts. In both cases the historical setting is marked with violence, repression, massacres and disappeared or missing people. The second section offers summary of each novel, analyses their structure and highlights the problem of installing them into a certain genre. The main part of the thesis focuses on the question of truth, its relativity and inaccessibility as well as the requestioning the truth of the past. I enquire into how politics, revolution and dictatorship are represented in the respective literary texts and their discussion of these historical events. Moreover, I define the (auto)fictional and intertextual elements in Distant Star and The Record as well as their role in understanding the novels and their historical references.

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