
Kratka zgodba Dazaija Osamuja "Teci, Melos!" na ozadju Zahodne literature : diplomsko delo
ID Gantar, Lija (Author), ID Shigemori Bučar, Chikako (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Snoj, Vid (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Dazai Osamu je poznan kot eden najboljših japonskih modernističnih pisateljev. Kljub temu je na Slovenskem praktično neznan, v slovenščino pa je preveden le en njegov roman. Dazai razen po svojih delih slovi tudi po burnem, nekonvencionalnem življenju z mnogimi poskusi samomora. To se odraža tudi v njegovem pogosto avtobiografskem pisanju, ki ga zaznamuje tudi njegov odnos do krščanstva. Kratka zgodba "Teci, Melos!", napisana leta 1940, je pravzaprav predelava Schillerjeve balade "Jamstvo", ta pa je nastala na podlagi starogrške legende o Damonu in Pitiasu iz 4. stoletja pred našim štetjem. Legenda govori o na smrt obsojenem človeku, ki pred usmrtitvijo želi oditi domov, zato njegov prijatelj postane talec kot jamstvo za njegovo vrnitev. Obtoženi se proti pričakovanju pravočasno vrne umret, kralj pa oba prijatelja izpusti, ganjen nad tem dokazom prijateljstva. Sprva je zgodba temeljila na resničnem dogodku, ki pa so ga že antični pisci postopoma spreminjali in dodajali elemente za napetost. V srednjem veku se je spet pojavila in razvijala kot fiktivna pripoved, mnogo predelav pa je doživela tudi kasneje. Leta 1798 jo je v obliki balade predelal tudi Schiller. Dazai je na podlagi njenega japonskega prevoda in lastne zgodbi podobne anekdote napisal svojo različico. Notranji svet junakov je napolnil tudi s svojimi lastnimi občutji. Razširil jim je značaje, dodal pa je tudi še nikoli prej omenjeno temno plat zgodbe, trenutek dvoma, ki junakoma pomeni izdajo njunega prijateljstva. V delu se pojavljajo tudi biblijski elementi. Kvaliteta dela se kaže v njegovem pomenu še danes; kot redna snov je obravnavano v japonskih osnovnih šolah, deležno pa je bilo tudi številnih neliterarnih predelav.

Keywords:japonska književnost, 20. st., literarni vplivi, diplomsko delo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Gantar]
Number of pages:74 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104561 This link opens in a new window
UDC:821.521.09-3Dazai O.
COBISS.SI-ID:64379234 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.10.2018
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Dazai Osamu is known as one of the best Japanese modern writers. Nevertheless, he is basically unknown in Slovenia and only one of his novels has been translated into Slovenian. His works aside, Dazai is famous for his turbulent, unconventional life in which he attempted suicide many times. This, along with his relationship with Christianity, is also reflected in his often autobiographic writings. His short story "Run, Melos!", written in 1940, is actually a rework of Schiller's ballad The Hostage, which was based on the Ancient Greek legend about Damon and Pitias from 4th century B.C. The legend is about a man sentenced to death who wants to go home before his execution, which is why his friend turns himself in as a hostage as a guarantee for the man's return. Against all expectations, the accused returns in time to die, but the king, moved by this proof of friendship, releases them both. The story was based on a true event, but was changed already by antique writers, who gradually changed the motifs or added new ones for the sake of tension. In the Middle Ages, the story reappeared and developed as a fictional tale, but got many adaptations even after that, too. In 1798, Schiller rewrote it as a ballad. Dazai wrote his own version, which he based on the Japanese translation of the ballad and on his own anecdote which was similar to the story. When creating the inner world of the characters, he passed his own feelings onto them, too. He expanded their characters and also added a never before mentioned dark side to the story - the moment of doubt, which, to the characters, meant the betrayal of their friendship. Biblical elements also appear in the work. The quality of the work is shown in its significance even in current times; it is a part of the Japanese middle school curriculum and got numerous non-literary adaptations, too.

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