
Haruki Murakami in feministična kritika : podobe žensk v binarnih opozicijah
ID Bačnik, Laura (Author), ID Matajc, Vanesa (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Haruki Murakami je avtor, čigar romani so pogosto opredeljeni kot prikaz postmodernega sveta in značilnih tem o odtujenosti, izgubi in izoliranosti od družbe. Pogosto prikazujejo tudi razlike med moškim in žensko v družbeni ureditvi, s tem pa poudarjajo žensko manjvrednost oziroma moško prevlado. V tem diplomskem delu bom raziskovala različne reprezentacije družbenih spolov posameznih junakov v romanih, Norveški gozd (Noruwei no mori) (1987), Ljubi moj Sputnik (Suputoniku no koibito) (1999) in Kafka na obali (Umibe no Kafuka) (2002). Diplomsko delo se metodološko osredotoča na feministično literarno kritiko, s tem pa na predstavljene družbenospolne razsežnosti tematiziranih ženskih in moških likov z vidika binarne opozicije družbenega spola literarnih junakov. Te binarne opozicije so vpletene v patriarhalni vrednostni sistem, kjer ženska plat velja za negativno. Japonska družba je v svoji tradiciji vzpostavila in vzdrževala patriarhalni sistem, v katerem so ženske podrejene moškim, kar implicira na njihovo manjvrednost. Osredotočila se bom na spolne razlike v romanih Harukija Murakamija in s tem povezano patriarhalnost in feministično kritiko. S pomočjo psihoanalitične kritike bom prikazala, da so ženski liki, čeprav imajo svoje zgodbe in svoja življenja, vedno povezani z glavnim moškim junakom. Moški je vedno tisti, ki je privilegiran in tako zaseda višjo pozicijo opazovanja (njenega) življenja.

Keywords:literatura in feminizem, japonska književnost, 20. st., ženske, feministična literarna veda, psihoanaliza, diplomsko delo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Bačnik]
Number of pages:42 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104557 This link opens in a new window
UDC:821.521.09Murakami H.:305-055.2
COBISS.SI-ID:64231010 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.10.2018
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Haruki Murakami is an author, whose novels often depict postmodern world and its themes of alienation, loss and detachment from society. They frequently portray differences between men and women and with this emphasize women's inferiority and men's superiority. In this thesis I will research the notion of the individual in different representations of gender in his novels: Norwegian wood, Sputnik Sweetheart and Kafka on the Shore. The thesis concentrates on feminist literary critique and the differences in binary oppositions of the main literary characters. These binary oppositions are entangled in a patriarchal value system where female viewpoint stands for negative. Japanese society established and maintained patriarchal social order which makes women subordinate to men and with that puts them in an inferior position. I'm going to concentrate on gender differences in Haruki Murakami's novels and their connection with patriarchal and feminist critique. With help of psychoanalytic critique I'm going to illustrate how the female characters (despite having their own stories and their own lives) always stay connected with the main male character. He's the one who's privileged and who therefore occupies the higher position of observing the female's life.

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