
Modernizem v Faulknerjevem romanu V smrtni uri : diplomsko delo
ID Pestotnik, Monika (Author), ID Matajc, Vanesa (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi obravnavam modernistični roman ameriškega pisatelja Williama Faulknerja z naslovom V smrtni uri (As I Lay Dying, 1930). Avtor je eden glavnih predstavnikov modernizma v Ameriki. Poleg obsežnega literarnega opusa in delovanja v filmski industriji je pomembno tudi njegovo javno zavzemanje za enakopravnost črne rase in boljše razumevanje problematike ameriškega Juga nasploh. V ozadju dogajanja je predstavljena problematika ameriškega Juga v začetku 20. stoletja, ko se je belopolto podeželsko prebivalstvo soočalo z revščino, v družbi pa je bilo ves čas prisotno trenje med belo in črno raso, ki je kasneje vodilo v upor. Vsakdanje življenje je bilo poleg soočanja s težko ekonomsko situacijo ves čas prepleteno še z globoko protestantsko religioznostjo. Roman toka zavesti temelji na številnih notranjih monologih glavnih akterjev, ki so bolj ali manj vpleteni v predstavljeno dogajanje. Njihovi opisi so z rašomonsko tehniko povezani v celoto, katere sporočilo je večkrat težko razbrati zaradi nenehnega spreminjanja perspektive, časovnih preskokov in nekontroliranega, asociativnega nizanja misli. Jezik se giblje od visokih liričnih tonov, ki spominjajo na jezik Biblije, do pogovornega jezika ameriškega Juga.

Keywords:ameriška književnost, modernizem, bolonjske diplome
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Bela
Publisher:[M. Pestotnik]
Number of pages:35 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104484 This link opens in a new window
UDC:821.111(73).09-31Faulkner W.
COBISS.SI-ID:55408482 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.10.2018
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Secondary language

In diploma thesis I deal with a modernistic novel titled As I Lay Dying written in 1930 by American author William Faulkner. Faulkner is one of the main representatives of modernism in the USA. Besides his extensive opus and participation in the film industry, his public fighting for equal rights of black people and better understanding of the American South's problematic is also important. The problematic of the American South in the 20th century is described in the background - white country people were facing poverty and the conflicts between white and black people were omnipresent and later led to revolt. Everyday life was interlaced with profound Protestant religiousness. People were dealing with a difficult economic situation. The stream-of-consciousness novel is based on numerous inner monologues of main characters, who are more or less involved with presented actions. Their descriptions are tied in a whole with Rashomon effect. The message of the whole is frequently hard to decipher due to the constant changes of perspective, time leaps and uncontrolled associative stringing of thoughts. The language of the novel moves between the elevated lyrical tones, which resemble Biblical language, and the spoken language of the American South. Key words: modernistic novel, stream of consciousness, interior monologue, American South, religion.

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